Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, October 2, 2009

So long time did not update my blog ade... Further more there are a few memorable days to be remembered...

Hideaki's mum's birthday... 24th of September
Went to Queensbay Mall... With his sister and her friend go Arcade played the sweet eh machine... Keep knocking till the alarm make the noise... So pai seh... Haha... Saw Min Sze and Min Ni there too... Played till my whole bag full of sweets... Till now still left alot... Went Chopper Board after playing and ate Cheese Baked Rice and Spagetthi... After that go Yatai-Mura eat again... Eat damn MUCH... His mum orders d Hot Ramen... Forgot what its called ade... She orders number15 which is damn damn damn darn darn spicy HOT!!! It can still go up to Number40... I still could not imagine how the Japanese eat such hot stuff... Even if the Ramen is aled no long hot... As in hot, hot... Not spicy hot... That person's body sure kena BAKAR wan... xD At night went to Bali Hai... Hideaki and his brothers contributed for the meal... I can't believe I'd actually eat so much again!!! Drank "shake jiu"... Hidea's mum's present from her friends... Went Ocean after Bali Hai... Drank quite alot of beer... Face red red... xD That stupid Ah Kwang made me eat that crisps for at least 3 plates which is like basket... DAMN him... But it tastes good... So never mind... *thumbs up* My mum jealous by the time I reached home... Hahaha...

Hang-Out day with Crazy Buggies again... 26th September
This time Ah Neng did not follow us... But Hidea followed us... Like usual, Gurney again... xD Went to Arcade and Mega-Q... This Hidea si pek song cause keep winning... So no need to pay... Damn him... While the others have to lose till "lak khor"... LOL... When its time for lunch, at 1st we went to Seoul Garden... But think back bout me, Pau and Ash not really eating, its not worth it... So they took the $$ back from the cashier... So pai seh... The 2nd place we choosed is Sushi King... We went inside... 10 of us... Found no place to land our butts on... There we walk out again... LMAO... 3rd place... Sakae Sushi... Went inside... Looked so full from the outside... So we went in and have a try... So chun left one table... Very very hidden spot... Hahaha... Fit us all in... Such a perfect place for us to have our own fun and make noise... xD Kinda nice... Made my son, Yun Siang ate the Wasabi-ed sushi... *damn alot eh wasabi somemore* =P His face and ears went blazing red... Pity him... Wakakakakakkakakakaa... My evil plan worked... No long after that, this Stupid Hidea made me eat one myself... Which I don't know... Thought he won't prank me as I'm his gf... Mana tau~~~ This guy's getting a bashing from me... LOL... Had real fun la... But nearly brought Pau's car key back home... Luckily she called me before I went back... After that go Wee Wee's house for buffet... Ate alot man... Don't know why my appetite expanded till so hiong nowadays... Fuhhhh~~~ Reached home exhausted after that...

~signing off~