~25th Oct 2010~
*Went to class as usual. Went to get my "Ice-Cream Cake" then gone back to his house after all

~26th Oct 2010~

Had lunch at Sek Kong Hui with the Whackos. Got my "presents" from De Ling, Iron Man, and Alex in replacement of foods. xD To me, it's all bout the worth of heart, not the worth of money. And it's more than enough. After lunch, Wonder dropped Jas and Steven back to college, as well as to have a look at the Food-Fair that our college organised. The choices were

~27th October 2010~
Went to classes as usual that day and nothing unusual happened. Instead me and hi were rushing back his house to get our Accounts assignments done. Last minute work! As usual~ =P Was damn worried bout that stupid plagiarism thing. I kept on editing the notes from head to toe trying my best. Wonder did the illustration thing and we finished our work late at night! Felt really relieved after handed-in our assignment. Gotta wait for the next day to know the results. Damn~
~28th October 2010~
Woke up early and the first thing I did was to on the desktop and look for the result! My hard work came out to no result! 67% plagiarism! And most of them were from another student's assignment. WTF??? We edited that on our own dude! That software~ Out-of-Date! LOL~ But thanked God, our illustration was kinda nice and nothing was highlighted with the blue remark thing. Was quite proud of my Dear for doing it. =D *Let him song~ I'm sure you are reading this!* xD Went to college and told Jia Min my bad news. She exchanged it with a present of mine. Thanks Jia Min, Ash and Jas for the present. *Although the wordings are a bit wrong* xD I love it anyhow. <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 153, 0);">Twins Effect! Gosh, Edison was damn handsome. Forget bout his scandalious pictures with Gillian! he's still CUTE! I was busy enjoying the movie while he felt asleep. I knew he was damn tired and exhausted with all the works. xD Love ya~
~29th October 2010~
Headed straight back to his house again. The main reason we spent more time in his house this week is because I would be grounded by babysitting Chloe Beh when my sister would be working after her exam week. =C Was watching some ghost movie by Lin-Zhen-Ying. His ghost movies were well-known and hillarious. That was when that Ratatouile called and was just outside Wonder's house to get his CPU reformat! My MOVIE~ T.T I got myself weighted when they were busy formating the CPU and guess what??? I GAINED WEIGHT!!! WTF! My whole diet plan immediately failed due to the last few days. From 48.8kg, I went to 49.8kg~ Shit me! They then planned to go for a movie jio-ing Ah Bii and my back-up (Nick) after I got back to his room. xD I felt so bad for letting Ah Bii waited for like so damn long as the process of the CPU was slow. While the guys were enjoying themselves playing PS2. LOL! It was interesting. Sat Nick's car to Gurney and our plan was to watch The Rise of The Mummy. Nick's driving was exciting I would say. Not mentioning all the scary parts. =S Reached Gurney in no time as he was fast and "efficient"! the time list was not good. Only midnight movie for The Mummy but Ah Bii was not supposed to go back too late. Switched our plan to The Perfect Wedding by Lam Fung! The Mummy is still on my to-watch list! =P The movie we watched was not bad. Full of obscenity actions! LOL! Not good for kids. Thank God we're not kids. xD The whole rating was 8.5/10. Some scene did make me drop a bit of my tears as it made me emo. It was touching. Got back home exhausted again and there I went. POP! Down on bed~
~30th October 2010~
I did a lot of driving today. An exercise day for my car. Has been a week since I used it for basketball last week. Went over to his house then fetched baby girl (my mum's God-daughter) back from tuition after that. Somehow I felt stress fetching him as usually he's the one doing the driving. =P Got some rest at home and headed to Han Jiang for official table in the Finals. The apparatus was totally a mess. They should be replaced! And the coaches thought that it was our problem. Not really. Hmmm~ Anyway, I felt a bit guilty for letting Wonder sitting at the side alone. Was so afraid he might be bored. Now, at least I've got 12 bucks of extra income. LOL~ Better then nothing. =D Dropped him back home although don't felt like doing so. and there my day ends again. =D <3