Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Birthday Week.

Had lots of fun this whole week. It's my BIRTHDAY on the 26th, which is a Tuesday. Things went pretty well. I shall start off with the 25th.

~25th Oct 2010~
*Went to class as usual. Went to get my "Ice-Cream Cake" then gone back to his house after all the lectures and tutorial. Kind of tired. But, we still have plans on our mind. It was all the idea of Jasmine, Steven and Wonder. That's so sweet of them planning all these for me. I was surprised that it was his nephew's chinese birthday on the 25th too. =D Reached Daorae at 7 something. Everything over there seemed awkward to me since it was my first time there. Wonder and I waited for Steven and Jasmine to arrive, as usual~ =P We looked blankly at the menu knowing nothing and what to order. The prices are quite expensive actually. As we're not used to Korean dishes, we took quite sometime to get our orders done after both of them arrived. =P The workers there are somehow peculiar. Giving us strange looks and I think the reason was Jas could be the most attractive girl in the whole scenario. There they go, CHI-KO-PEK! xD The food was not bad, but Steven gave a BIG NO! While Jas was quite irritated by her food. The "Cold-Mee"~ Thanks to our spicy hot kimchi soup or else she'll be leaving her whole pot of dish behind. I was so bloated as my hands and mouth were still operating even though others had stopped! xD Then the time comes, my "Ice-Cream Cake"! It was a Cheese-Cake~ So heavenly~ I LOVE YOU WONDER! =D And to remind you, my name is NOT EVONE!!! The cake was supremely delicious. SUPER <3~ Took some pictures over there. Reign of Assasins after Daorae. Very yeng! But Wonder was dead tired. Can saw that through his face. It was approximately 11.58am after the movie, Jas was hugging me, jumping, wishing me Happy Birthday, AGAIN~ when it strike 12. While Wonder sent me a message chun chun on 12 although he was just right beside me. Very sweet of him. =D Got dropped back home and wished good night a happy birthday again~ End of the day of my birthday eve~

~26th Oct 2010~
Had lunch at Sek Kong Hui with the Whackos. Got my "presents" from De Ling, Iron Man, and Alex in replacement of foods. xD To me, it's all bout the worth of heart, not the worth of money. And it's more than enough. After lunch, Wonder dropped Jas and Steven back to college, as well as to have a look at the Food-Fair that our college organised. The choices were few, or should I say NONE? LOL~ Thank God it's not in one of our plan. =P Thanks to Hamster as our training were canceled on the day itself. So, I had time to spend with him more. But, it seemed like ruined his plan. He was actually planning to buy me a gift after dropping me to training. The next moment he was a bit in daze. He then suggest to me that he wanted to eat ice-cream. Having his plan changed, he brought me to Haagen Dazz in Pulau Tikus. I do not know how to call it, but his order was cute! Containing melted chocolate, fruits like strawberries, bananas, apples, as well as chocolate cookies, cakes, and ice-creams!!! Too bad we only managed to take a few pictures after we had comsumed half of it. xD I then realized, in 2 days time I've been eating the most fattening desserts : Cheese Cake, Ice-Cream, and Chocolate!!! It was the first time celebrating my birthday with him like that. Everything he did made me felt new. I couldn't believe I dropped my tears when he said something stupid like saying he can't make my birthday better as he can't buy me flower as he had no money and stuffs~ Cheah Kheng Xiong, listen here, what you did was more than enough to me and I don't need you money to buy me stuffs like flowers and everything! I Love You! You made me felt loved and cared. I love who you are and thanks for everything you did! =D <3 I replied all the Facebook wishes one-by-one. All with heart~ Thanks to those 300 people who wished me. =D Then, we made our way back home at 10 something getting ready to celebrate it with my family. Although the cake wasn't cheese cake, it tasted good when it was being eaten with my Mum and my family. Espeacially when he was around with me too. Again, he sent me a message at the start of my birthday and end it at the end of my day. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnHaAZDiScg_96hiA7oSrheo-qw4qQHY87UziZVCl3vPFbm5qsuv1oSFxJI3jbDgJQ8z2cFz24_46fsQp6zRvKIdz0gvNBJvMEhteoJ8E5cLU6b0PknZ051ZLC6X1kIGro40PzCtvvGJVZ/s1600/73635_444712078340_717548340_5400346_8322516_n.jpg">me goodbye and there my day ends again. =D

~27th October 2010~
Went to classes as usual that day and nothing unusual happened. Instead me and hi were rushing back his house to get our Accounts assignments done. Last minute work! As usual~ =P Was damn worried bout that stupid plagiarism thing. I kept on editing the notes from head to toe trying my best. Wonder did the illustration thing and we finished our work late at night! Felt really relieved after handed-in our assignment. Gotta wait for the next day to know the results. Damn~

~28th October 2010~
Woke up early and the first thing I did was to on the desktop and look for the result! My hard work came out to no result! 67% plagiarism! And most of them were from another student's assignment. WTF??? We edited that on our own dude! That software~ Out-of-Date! LOL~ But thanked God, our illustration was kinda nice and nothing was highlighted with the blue remark thing. Was quite proud of my Dear for doing it. =D *Let him song~ I'm sure you are reading this!* xD Went to college and told Jia Min my bad news. She exchanged it with a present of mine. Thanks Jia Min, Ash and Jas for the present. *Although the wordings are a bit wrong* xD I love it anyhow. <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 153, 0);">Twins Effect! Gosh, Edison was damn handsome. Forget bout his scandalious pictures with Gillian! he's still CUTE! I was busy enjoying the movie while he felt asleep. I knew he was damn tired and exhausted with all the works. xD Love ya~

~29th October 2010~
Headed straight back to his house again. The main reason we spent more time in his house this week is because I would be grounded by babysitting Chloe Beh when my sister would be working after her exam week. =C Was watching some ghost movie by Lin-Zhen-Ying. His ghost movies were well-known and hillarious. That was when that Ratatouile called and was just outside Wonder's house to get his CPU reformat! My MOVIE~ T.T I got myself weighted when they were busy formating the CPU and guess what??? I GAINED WEIGHT!!! WTF! My whole diet plan immediately failed due to the last few days. From 48.8kg, I went to 49.8kg~ Shit me! They then planned to go for a movie jio-ing Ah Bii and my back-up (Nick) after I got back to his room. xD I felt so bad for letting Ah Bii waited for like so damn long as the process of the CPU was slow. While the guys were enjoying themselves playing PS2. LOL! It was interesting. Sat Nick's car to Gurney and our plan was to watch The Rise of The Mummy. Nick's driving was exciting I would say. Not mentioning all the scary parts. =S Reached Gurney in no time as he was fast and "efficient"! the time list was not good. Only midnight movie for The Mummy but Ah Bii was not supposed to go back too late. Switched our plan to The Perfect Wedding by Lam Fung! The Mummy is still on my to-watch list! =P The movie we watched was not bad. Full of obscenity actions! LOL! Not good for kids. Thank God we're not kids. xD The whole rating was 8.5/10. Some scene did make me drop a bit of my tears as it made me emo. It was touching. Got back home exhausted again and there I went. POP! Down on bed~

~30th October 2010~
I did a lot of driving today. An exercise day for my car. Has been a week since I used it for basketball last week. Went over to his house then fetched baby girl (my mum's God-daughter) back from tuition after that. Somehow I felt stress fetching him as usually he's the one doing the driving. =P Got some rest at home and headed to Han Jiang for official table in the Finals. The apparatus was totally a mess. They should be replaced! And the coaches thought that it was our problem. Not really. Hmmm~ Anyway, I felt a bit guilty for letting Wonder sitting at the side alone. Was so afraid he might be bored. Now, at least I've got 12 bucks of extra income. LOL~ Better then nothing. =D Dropped him back home although don't felt like doing so. and there my day ends again. =D <3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If, if, and if.

If I only have another day to live, I would break up with you and make you hate me. Then I'll act as if I'm free from your clucthes and go off for a holiday... I would die somewhere you can't see me or even know about what happened to me. All I would say is just sorry and I Love You silently in me. Acting strong and cruel, but deep inside feeling the pain as if a dagger had been stabbed into my heart. I'd rather be it like that.

Goes emo and this is what I do. Ifs'... These thing came up into my mind in a sudden. It's just plain unsecure feeling that came to me. As though as I've been hurt by someone, gotten myself scarred and emotional. Although I did not. I'm just blurred, mixed-up, and.... Stucked! I guess that's all I can do to describe my feelings now.

~signing off~

Just Not My Day.

Too many things to tell since the last time I logged-in here and blog... Good and Bad things happened... Well, some of the important events were Jia Min's birthday... Sweet time we were having without the guys... =D

Skip all those... Too much to tell in a day's time... Let those be memories... And I shall start with today! It's Just NOT my day!!!

It started off with a morning call from Hidea... It's not a good news... Having his leg sprained as someone stepped on it and just can hardly step on the floor... Had no choice but having himself admitted in GMC Hospital... I'd really thank Wonder for his help... If he hadn't been fetching us there, I'd be having some trouble settling some stuffs this morning... I'd really appreciate that... As for Hidea, he seemed to be kind of enjoying being admitted in hospital, other than being starved at night for the dinner was not served... Thanks to the absent minded nurses...

Okay, after these morning's incident of Hidea's, everything was quite fine till it came to the time I have to run off for training in college... Having some of my "stuffs" not found... I was quite frustrated by then... Yet I couldn't make any calls to tell them I might be late for training, as my phone line was barred due to the credit limit... It's okay~ All I thought what I needed to do is to just go off to the Maxis centre and get my bill paid! Went off to my car, can hardly start the engine as it was left undriven for weeks... I'm not surprised... I thought I would just drive without the air-conditioner to let it be warmed-up enough... There I go~ Window's opened!

Rushed to Maxis centre nearest to my house... Went in and surprisingly, SYSTEM DOWN! I was Down-er by then... I'm left with no phone to use and yet the bill still have to be paid... I was then issued a receipt and pay for it when their network system is done... Which is tomorrow... If they don't, I will go crazy!

I drove to college after that... The traffic was a BOOM! Flying car I was driving and still I was late for half an hour! Better than none still... The minute after I got my slippers changed into basketball shoes, tiem for me to get my windows closed and off my engine... That was when another thing happened! My left side window got stucked and can not be closed... GREAT! I couldn't try any much longer after 15 minutes, so I gave up... Leaving the window bare-screened and rushed in for training!

Forgotten everything when having training... For such a long time I did not sweat like that... Nearly vomited when my stamina comes to an end... That's also because I am dieting... Bear the pain and there I went again... When it was time for me to go home, thanks to Hamster and the others for their assistance to my car and have a look on what they could do... Too bad, it was a no! The window was totally stucked! Then I realized one more thing when I unlocked my car, that was I did not even locked my car! I was so glad that my car was still there... xD

Thanked God, Ah Neng was there to fetch Lake Ching... My Saviour! THANK YOU!!! Was really relieved when I saw the window slowly scrolled up little by little... =D

Dropped Ah Jun and Astin home and tailed Ah Neng back home using the "sua loh"... Then they planned to go over to Fettes park for dinner... I thought that it would be a show of gratitude by going along with them... At least I did chatted with them happily even though I was restraining myself from having dinner... One more surprise thing is that Lake Ching and Ah Neng both saying that me n Wonder are very matching from the pictures taken when we were standing together in the pictures of his sis-in-law's engagement day... =P

Went back home safely and found no parking again... Gotten used to it... Did my usual house chores as usual and now having my whole back ache... =(

Hoping for a better day tomorrow... I'm starving now... But will be determined! I would NOT eat!

~signing off~