Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just went through my pictures and I finally recall those days.
Did not update since the last 18 days.
Many functions though.
Had been working since then.

The very first to be continued from the last post was 初八 night.
Went over to my grandma's house after work to "pai thi kong".
The first thing I reached there was that I saw Berry!

How that kid jumped and licked my face once he saw me.

He's so clever since my aunt adopted him.
He even knew how to do the action of "Gong Xi Fa Cai" with both his front legs up.
Cute little thing that amazed everyone.
Fire crackers and fireworks were played by the old and young.
Despite being noisy, I felt the warmness of the whole family gathering there.
My dad gotten drunk and it was the only thing that got us worried.
Lao Kong reached late at the midnight after he'd finished praying at his own place.
My family kind of cared for him telling him to rest more since he's been working hard.

Too much to tell.
Okay, now I shall tell you how I spent my Valentine this year!
My present to him, a wallet.
Rushed to QB for it at the very last minute right after work.
He told me he'll be giving me no present but I doubted it.
Wondering which stupid would trust such lies?
The very next day itself was it.
We went to class as usual and off to Gurney after that for a movie.
Bought our movie tickets through his friend at the front line.
Thank God!
While waiting for our movie time, we dine-in Manhattan Fish Market for the Valentine set!
The Tiramisu was damn cheese and heavenly!
I was flying!
Just 10 minutes before our movie, we caught up with Jas and her Rat!
Luckily we managed to buy them their ticket in the same hall as ours.
I Love Hong Kong!
Funny movie though.
After movie, each couple depart back to our own home.
And there was where I had my cute surprise.
We were lying on the bed talking when I heard his heart pumping real real fast.
I knew he was lying when he told me there would be no pressie, asking him to just hand it out, telling him his plans failed.
I was such a scum.
He then pull a bag out from his back when I was turning around.
Though I expected it, I was still surprised with the gift he customized itself.
First I thought it was only the bear and chocolates, not realizing the bottle the bear in front was hugging.
I gave him a big kiss but he told me that it wasn't finished.
I thought he wanted more kisses!
I gave him another one.
He then asked me to have a good look at the bear, and ahhh~
There I saw the necklace in the bottle.
Fully touched in the bottom of my heart.
I just smiled and say thank you.
But, my smile do represents a lot of meaning.
<3 you much Lao Kong. Told my Mum when she asked me what we did for Valentines and she then said "That guy sipek gao pi kui pi kuai" It means that guy is full of tricks.

LOL! Next was my sister's birthday on 17th of Feb! On Chap Goh Mei.
Where girls "tim kam, chui ho ang". Where guys, "phak kor, chui ho bor".
At least that's what people told me. xD
College as usual and the night was celebrated with a buffet catering.
My house ain't big.
So it was packed like sardine fishes in the can.
But indeed it was merry like what my Mum expected to be.
We end the night with much gambling with Andy's friends.
My Dad won much money and me and my sis were given a little.

The next day, were to be mentioned because it was surprising that Lao Kong mentioned that he wanted to swim!
That was actually because his bro wanted to learn swimming and I love to swim.
But soon after that, when he learns to swim, he got addicted to it!
Now he'd been looking for chances to go swim whenever he can.
For me?
I was superb happy if it doesn't crash along with my own schedule. =D

Oh ya, not to be forgotten.
I've gotten my hair short!
Oh yes, SHORT!
Everyone were dropping their jaws when they saw me either at school or at work.
It's good to surprise people.
But it's worth it. Kinda looks good on me.
As I couldn't have my hair short last time as I was plump.
Not to say that I am thin now, but at least, BETTER!


On Thursday, my Mum was satisfied-ly happy because she gets to go for her breakfast with her daughter, Me.
Of course, with Lao Kong.
For I don't know why, my family seems to be real fond of him.
Guess it's because of his sense of humour.

While for yesterday, went off to a dinner organized by Penang Basketball Association.
A bit awkward though.
Kong wasn't really in a good mood yesterday.
It was miserable.
But now at least it was better.

Guess it's time for me to stop now.
Time for work.
Else this post would be getting longer and longer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What A Life!

A word to say, a year to pass.
Yet, doesn't mean all good things happen.

Well, as usual.
Still do.


Tiring and not bad.
Got tired of listening to CNY songs and Jay Chou's concert everyday!
People there are real nice.
But, no time for Lao Kong and it's freaking irritating to be arguing about it.

Not all bad.
I still do have happy stuffs to mention.
I did lose weight!
A kg.
Better than none?

CNY and I've gotten sick.

Thank God I felt a lot better now.
Besides, result's out today.
It was a satisfactory!
3 A's and 2 B's.
Thanks for the wishes everyone.
I'm proud of my Lao Kong too.
Improved and his result was a lot better than the previous semester!

My Gf's don't you all fret.
Your results are all not as bad as you think.
I believe you will all do better next semester.
We'll all push ourselves to the best together okay?
Hopefully the same lecture!

Emotion's not really stable for now for I am kind of moody.
For don't know whatever reason that ruins my mood.
Either Bailey's matter, tiredness due to working, stressed up myself for some other reasons or maybe I am hungry!
Strictly no more supper!
I'd been disobeying myself for the last few days.
Couldn't afford to be disobedient anymore if I wanted to slim down.
Pity myself.
I was born to be plump!



I get to save at last.
Working salary (though not much) + Ang Pau $$

Went to the bank just now.
At least I've get to bank in some into my own account.

Valentine's coming!

It's on the first day of the third semester!
What a day it would be.
I wish you all the best and have a memorable day.
Not only on Valentine's but everyday.
That's all for tonight.
Lao Kong's busy working now.
8th day of CNY!

Not to forget.
Just realize it's so many people's birthday on the 10th of Feb!

Happy Birthday to you all.
Lao Kong's sis-in-law, my very own sis, Mun Yee, and Choon Lim sir.
All the best!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another meaningful Malay Song.

Putting off the racism and humans may be the same from every aspect.
Let's not say that the race is good or bad.
Every race they have good people and bad people.
Here I present you another meaningful Malay song to you.

ManBai - Kau Ilhamku

As for today, we've family gathering at grandpa's house for his birthday!
Enjoyed with every of the family members.

And I've gotten my mind relieved for a bit.
He ain't going to get Berry.
Feelings expressed and I somehow saw a way to lead my life a better way.
I'm the one who makes the decision.
Thanks to people whom encouraged me.

My day ended better tonight and will be better day by day!
I hope so.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Amy search - Tiada lagi

Very meaningful song to me.