Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What A Life!

A word to say, a year to pass.
Yet, doesn't mean all good things happen.

Well, as usual.
Still do.


Tiring and not bad.
Got tired of listening to CNY songs and Jay Chou's concert everyday!
People there are real nice.
But, no time for Lao Kong and it's freaking irritating to be arguing about it.

Not all bad.
I still do have happy stuffs to mention.
I did lose weight!
A kg.
Better than none?

CNY and I've gotten sick.

Thank God I felt a lot better now.
Besides, result's out today.
It was a satisfactory!
3 A's and 2 B's.
Thanks for the wishes everyone.
I'm proud of my Lao Kong too.
Improved and his result was a lot better than the previous semester!

My Gf's don't you all fret.
Your results are all not as bad as you think.
I believe you will all do better next semester.
We'll all push ourselves to the best together okay?
Hopefully the same lecture!

Emotion's not really stable for now for I am kind of moody.
For don't know whatever reason that ruins my mood.
Either Bailey's matter, tiredness due to working, stressed up myself for some other reasons or maybe I am hungry!
Strictly no more supper!
I'd been disobeying myself for the last few days.
Couldn't afford to be disobedient anymore if I wanted to slim down.
Pity myself.
I was born to be plump!



I get to save at last.
Working salary (though not much) + Ang Pau $$

Went to the bank just now.
At least I've get to bank in some into my own account.

Valentine's coming!

It's on the first day of the third semester!
What a day it would be.
I wish you all the best and have a memorable day.
Not only on Valentine's but everyday.
That's all for tonight.
Lao Kong's busy working now.
8th day of CNY!

Not to forget.
Just realize it's so many people's birthday on the 10th of Feb!

Happy Birthday to you all.
Lao Kong's sis-in-law, my very own sis, Mun Yee, and Choon Lim sir.
All the best!


  1. Eat too free? Post until so many picts. :p

  2. hahaha... quite la... once in a whil;e nvd la... xD
