Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Happy Change, Dreadful Pain.

 These two years my hair had been in totally black state.
Previously have not been dyed for at least TWO freaking years!
Nor did I do any perming before this.

This time I have finally urged myself to do both at the same time!
Colouring it copper, while perming it curl.
Gotta say the result is what I loved.

Looking more mature and fresh at the same time, not everyone liked this look.
For example, Marcus.
He said I looked too mature to his liking.
But guess what?
I don't care!
This is the time I would finally do things for myself.
Doing the things I've always wanted and make myself happy.

Do not always live in expectation of others.
You definitely couldn't please everyone.
In this case, it's my boyfriend.
Regardless how everyone feel, at times you got to be aware of how you yourself feel.
That's what I learnt since my past mistake.

But first, let me show you my new hairstyle!

I'm sorry, but I have to say I loved how it came out so nicely done.
Done the right decision to try this out at Hair Factory, Karpal Singh.
The staff were nice and friendly.
Definitely recommended.
The only things is that the process is a little thrilling using this funny looking perming machine.

It looked like octopus hand pulling all your hair.
When it's done, the results before end look is damn entertaining.
The hair designer asked me to get my handphone ready with camera.
She even said that some customer got shocked seeing their hair became that way.
Look at my Maggi Mee below.

I couldn't help laughing when I see myself looking that way.
I think I laughed for a few minutes and bursting out again now and then.
The staff couldn't hold it in when she sees me laughing that way.
But thank God that the end result came out good.

Other than that, the dreadful part comes.
That's the two side of the story.
As so it seemed that now is the Charlie bug season.
Which means a bad news to me because my house is facing the hillside.
The good news is that is it chilling most of the time it rains and goes misty.
I basically just turn off the air-conditioner and just relax with the cold wind.

But the bad news that comes with it is that there are also a lot of bugs came flying through my window.
All kinds of insects.
Bugs Story kind of variety, which also includes Charlie Bug!

Most of time, it is just pass through and having some of them in my bathroom.
We go along well, and they do not sting me.
Seemed like happy time don't always last.
Therefore, my time has come!

Blisters all over me in all sorts of places!
Fingers, wrist, arm, thigh, neck, lips, and many more!
Damn the wounds are annoying.
Spreading from one place to another the moment I accidentally scratched the nearbyes.
Now I gotta admit I'm not really fond of them.

Just in case you don't know what Charlie Bug is, here is the Google result of it.
If you see one, DO NOT touch or shove it off with your bare hands!
you definitely do not want to end up having this blisters like I did.

Penang is definitely raging with this bugs recently, especially when it's their season.
And if you accidentally come across one, wrap it up using toilet roll and throw it into the toilet bowl.
Bare in mind that if you don't wrap it tight, it will come out squirming inside the side of the bowl.
That is going to be very disgusting and irritating.

But if you accidentally come into contact with it, wash off the area for a few minutes with tap water.
If blisters came out like mine did, go to the pharmacy.
Get a cream called Fucicort from the pharmacist and wrap your wounds up with wire-gauze and tape.
This is to prevent it from spreading the ooze all over whatever that comes into contact.
I bet you could bandage the wound better than I did.
Though I'm a Red Crescent member, my First-Aid skills have been deteriorating ever since I came out of secondary school.
 So, just ignore my looking-too-serious bandage.

It comes to an end today.
Time for me to get busy with my Dim-Sum business!


- Signing off - 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Now I Know Why!

 I used to blog everyday 12 years back.

Updating each and every little bit of my life here.

Making sure I have a place to remember small little occasions.

I actually enjoyed blogging, but I realized I have been slacking a lot back then.

Now I definitely know the reason why I have not been doing so frequently for the past few years!

The reason is that I wasn't facing the laptop or computer all the time.

Thus I find it inconvenient to just open up my laptop and update my blog.

And now that I'm facing my small tablet as laptop everyday, I couldn't help but doing what I'd forgotten doing all these years.

I used to only blog when I was in pain because the pain was the only thing I wanted to remember and keep telling myself the exact same thing.

But now that I am enjoying my life doing things at my pace, I find myself more at ease, instead of rushing into things blindly.

I am more capable of taking good care of myself and see what is good for me and what is not.

I definitely feel damn blessed *sorry for the vulgar* and loving every single day of my life.

Though I've been debating a lot with my partners about the business, I definitely feel that it's what's best for the company. (and it's a healthy debate)

Though sometimes we got frustrated with each other sometimes. 


But still, all ends well.

Hopefully they do not hold grudge against me though.

In conjunction with the pandemic, I gotten my second jab yesterday.

Got kind of uncomfortable in the middle of the night but luckily it subsided this morning.

Gotta second jab is not kidding me.

But lucky me that I did not have fever.

Or it's going to be very inconvenient to work.

We're going to have our THIRD photoshoot today.


I definitely hope this will be the last time we need to do this.

Wish Us many many luck!

I guess that's all for today.

- Signing off feeling good and tired -


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Feeling Mischievous Today

 Feeling motivated today to update my blog.

It's a rainy day today.

(I'mma do it the conventional diary kind of thing) 😃

Recently no more of any sad stories.

Days seemed to brightened up as time passes.

New Dim Sum business have gotten me busy and motivated to do things better.

My first very own official business and I'm gonna make it work!

Lightened up with my family worrying I would get too stressed up with the business.

My uncle asked if I was stressed-up or now, and ask me to relieve myself if so.

Funny at the same time happy because he did invested in the business.

My reply was if I'm slacking then he should be worried with his money invested.


But it did lightened me up.

So it seemed one little gesture can cheer or kill. 

In this case, it's the former.


It's a new month now.

Beginning of September.

My new goal other than stressing how to make the business better, is to diet.

I have been eating since the past two months.

Weight figure increasing like no limit.

That is damn scary~


By end of October, I should be less than 10kg than I am now.

Hoping could fit into the gown I bought for my sis' wedding.

I'd be really damned if I couldn't achieve my desired figure.

I definitely do not want to look like a meatball during the wedding.

Wish me luck!


Everyone told me I've grown some meat.

Look at that damned cheeks!


Owh by the way, if you guys still have not try out my Dim Sum then you should!

Come give a little support to little business by me.

I'll leave the link here just in case you guys give some face.


Click Me For Dim Sum

Do leave a comment below if you decided to try so that I would know who tried.

Gonna get feedback from you guys too!

Thank you in advance!


- signing off -