Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Now I Know Why!

 I used to blog everyday 12 years back.

Updating each and every little bit of my life here.

Making sure I have a place to remember small little occasions.

I actually enjoyed blogging, but I realized I have been slacking a lot back then.

Now I definitely know the reason why I have not been doing so frequently for the past few years!

The reason is that I wasn't facing the laptop or computer all the time.

Thus I find it inconvenient to just open up my laptop and update my blog.

And now that I'm facing my small tablet as laptop everyday, I couldn't help but doing what I'd forgotten doing all these years.

I used to only blog when I was in pain because the pain was the only thing I wanted to remember and keep telling myself the exact same thing.

But now that I am enjoying my life doing things at my pace, I find myself more at ease, instead of rushing into things blindly.

I am more capable of taking good care of myself and see what is good for me and what is not.

I definitely feel damn blessed *sorry for the vulgar* and loving every single day of my life.

Though I've been debating a lot with my partners about the business, I definitely feel that it's what's best for the company. (and it's a healthy debate)

Though sometimes we got frustrated with each other sometimes. 


But still, all ends well.

Hopefully they do not hold grudge against me though.

In conjunction with the pandemic, I gotten my second jab yesterday.

Got kind of uncomfortable in the middle of the night but luckily it subsided this morning.

Gotta second jab is not kidding me.

But lucky me that I did not have fever.

Or it's going to be very inconvenient to work.

We're going to have our THIRD photoshoot today.


I definitely hope this will be the last time we need to do this.

Wish Us many many luck!

I guess that's all for today.

- Signing off feeling good and tired -


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