Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another meaningful Malay Song.

Putting off the racism and humans may be the same from every aspect.
Let's not say that the race is good or bad.
Every race they have good people and bad people.
Here I present you another meaningful Malay song to you.

ManBai - Kau Ilhamku

As for today, we've family gathering at grandpa's house for his birthday!
Enjoyed with every of the family members.

And I've gotten my mind relieved for a bit.
He ain't going to get Berry.
Feelings expressed and I somehow saw a way to lead my life a better way.
I'm the one who makes the decision.
Thanks to people whom encouraged me.

My day ended better tonight and will be better day by day!
I hope so.

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