Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Short Update!

I've been busy since Monday for MSSPP so I'll keep my post short and simple.
Surprised for some reason!

Ran around with my Mum and Dad for their wedding thingy.
Pening kepala dia tu.
End up everything tergendala.

CGL kek si wa.
Training tak tau buat apa.
Sri Pelita first year in joining MSSPP yet they can score that much?
But I'd really laughed and kek si myself.
If only you saw how both the teams played.
At night went for movie with Kiam and Pau.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart at TGV's bean seat!

They did kind of good today.
For proving me and Lao Kong wrong in guessing their scores.
Too bad two of them showed me some temper and I don't really liked it.
Well, it meant NO DISCIPLINE!
At least one came and said sorry.
Yet another did not.
Whom I actually put higher hope on.
I was disappointed by her attitude.
One of them asked me back to coach them.
Should I?
I'd doubt since I wasn't being much appreciated there.

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