Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Cammie!

My very first waterproof-cammie for only RM29.90!!! I know that's like freaking cheap for a camera right? Plus it is waterproof! Bought it from S & J this evening. Went QB with my family. I was longing to have it! Not sure if it's gonna work out, but no harm trying right? Furthermore, in between drowning a Rm29.90 camera and a Rm500 or above's camera, which would you choose? xD

First I saw it @ Fourskin in Gurney, but I was too reluctant to buy it as my wallet is drying up. Today, not that now I'm loaded, but I managed to get my Mum to buy it for me! Wakakaka... She too was reluctant to buy it for me though. My persuasive skills are good enough isn't it? I love you Mum! =D

Had enough today. Have to start working tomorrow. Two days event and that's a long drive. Auto-City! Wheehee~

Too bad I couldn't help out with the Adoption Drive held on the same place and day. I just have to work first. Sad.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

HOLIDAY! Or Work Days?

Today finally done with the last paper of the semester! Which meant Holidays for me, but also Working-Time!

It started off with a stressful morning, a relieved feeling after the paper's done, a frustration when something disappointing occurs. Thank God the problem has NOTHING to do with my paper.

My aim this semester, 3 A's and 2 B's. Not my aim actually, I should say expected results. My aim was way better than that, which is impossible this time. I'm hungry now. =(

There's another Adoption Drive coming again! The second one. Yes, the same venue, Juru Auto-City. Time and Date?

Tuesday, August 30 at 7:00pm
- August 31 at 10:00pm.

It's a 2 days event this time. Not sure would I be going for both days or not. Afraid I'm working. Sad much. People, once again, please help supporting the event, giving home to the puppies and doggies. They do deserve a much better ones. =D

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yes, If you do read Chinese, I assumed that you know today I broke something and it's a plate! Hey hey, it wasn't actually my fault that it fell on the floor. It did not slipped right away from my hand eventually but, slipped from the rack once after I placed it there. So, NOT really my fault right? xD Long time since I broke one previously. Way back when I was still a lil' kid. That really refreshed my memory.

Right, today's all about LAW! Stressed up seriously. Got me insane. Applause for you, Law. No wonder why people always go insane when they took up this course. They go phsyco! They studied for years you imagine, yet I'm like just studying for 3 months, and here am I. Complaining. LOL!

Blames myself for not putting in much effort actually. It's alright! Time for me to go back to Law! Chaoz! ='(

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Law is driving me crazy. For the first time I study in this kind of method :

Recording my own voice reading the whole filled-up 16 pages of Law Notes!

Listening while reading the notes do help but, when you do that continuously for hours, trust me, you'll go MAD! Now I can't really read other stuffs like people's blog posts and stuffs. Gave me such a headache. Urgghh~ Plus the "ko tai" below my apartment! Boom-ing me around.

Challenges wei! =S

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Exam-Mode Finally 'ON'!

Now finally! I'm in my study mode and 4 days left to this semester's final exam again. Wish me luck! =D

Hmmm. Who knows if there's any part-time jobs this end of the month? I'm looking for one. Semester break. I surely need to work for money. Geez, my phone's buzzer sure is going bad. LOL!

One more random thought that just popped-out of my mind is that just knew yesterday that the coming PSDC 3 on 3's next station would be on my Birthday! Which is on October 26th. And I suddenly have the feeling to celebrate Halloween this year! Shall see how then. =P

I had a review myself on this post. It is indeed random! xD

Alright, it's 2.26 am now. Should be down on bed. Nights peeps. <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today, my sun shines again.
Though there's still a dim of darkness, but I believe it'll all fade away soon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What the hell now? Didn't I know these kind of shits would happen sooner or later? I knew it. Guys are total jerks! When you are sad, those who are saying that you can have their shoulder, they HAVE INTENTIONS! Either they want you, or they are your good buddy. Most of them are just some arse trying to make your future more miserable.

Sweet words? They kills! Don't fall for it. Sweet but disappointing to the MAX!

Things do change after some time. We then tend to take things for granted. Falling into such a mess. Either to face it, or avoid it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Love Test.

How Deep is Your?

You have him in a corner of your heart. Don't lie to yourself; he's your special guy. Take good care of your heart. You still have a long way to go. Always remember that love has two edges. Being apart for a while might be a good chance to proof his love to you.

Are you sure? I hoped so.

How do you choose your soulmate?

The decisions you have made indicates your criteria in choosing your soulmate.
More important matters come first on the list below:
  1. Education
  2. Money
  3. Love
  4. Appearance
You are basically a person who enjoys reminiscing.

You are a very emotional person indeed, easily influenced by people and your surroundings. For example, if society is sad about the death of famous people, you will share these sentiments, or when watching a sad movie, you will be so engrossed that you will end up being sadder than the main actors in the movie.


Are you a very confused person?
Sometimes you like to be left alone.
Sometimes you want to be loved.
Sometimes you need him or her.
Sometimes you don't.
Does it sound familiar?

My Marriage

How will you choose your Mr Right?

You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.

Who will be your future Mr Right?

Your future hubby will be lovely and sweet, but a little immature - possibly even a spoilt brat! This guy will trigger your maternal instinct. You'll always be willing to watch his back and clean up his mess. He might be the same age as you are or even younger.

When will you get married?

You will be very determined and thorough in choosing a spouse. You'll study every detail about your man before saying yes to a life of love. You will eventually make a good choice, but you'd better be sure that he's willing to wait that long.

What sort of wife will you be?

If your hubby is crazy enough to ask you to do silly things, you may as well have fun with him. You'll make a fun-loving wife.

Will you and your husband have a good time together?

You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.

What will your children be like?

Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.

How loyal are you?

You get along very well with most guys. Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved husband.

My 5 Personality test.

Here is the analysis:

  1. Your ideal mate has a sense of humor and is lively.
  2. You always compare yourself with others. You make your wishes too difficult to come true.
  3. Success depends on someone's faith in their ability. That's your attitudes towards success.
  4. You are a person of principle. You respect social rules and regulations.
  5. You are emotional, sincere and optimistic.
So true!

Today is really a bad bad day! =(

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What A Day.

Today was tough. I'm tired, happy, yet sad and surprised. Bipolar mood now. =(

Alright, MDDB's Adoption Drive was a success today except that, the pups weren't fully adopted. That's sad because all of them deserves a good home. Anyway, I had fun there at least. Such an experience by just helping out. I'm glad that my Musical Christmas House could be sold out for charity for RM40!!! =D

Would upload more pictures soon after they tag me in Facebook. Right now, I'm real exhausted. Had blisters under my feet. Today, before going out, something bad and miserable happened. Unexpected. Don't feel like talking about it. =(

Tomorrow's outing with Seang Yee. Clear my mind off, don't think too much! I'm real exhausted today. Shall rest earlier! =)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stones in my EAR!

Great! I just had a pick in my ear and guess what? Sand-like stones in deep in my left ear! 6 of them!!! No wonder I've been hearing loads of friction sound of stones in my ear but just couldn't get anything out. Thank God I gave myself a thorough pick deep inside it today, or else I wouldn't know how many of them would there be by the time I found it! >> I only managed to took the picture of two of them. Lost the other 4. Alright, I'd to admit that this post is indeed disgusting, but I just can't help it! xD

By the way, did I post about my coursework results this semester, if no, here I go. They SUCKS! In this case, it meant to the MAX! Now all I have to do is work very hard for my finals. Or else I'd say Bye-Bye to my A's.

Again, MDDB's Adoption Drive is tomorrow! Can't wait! =D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another Emo-Day.

I don't get it most of the time.
I just don't feel like speaking anymore!

I got darker too.
What a weather!


One more to go!

At last, the two 3 on 3 Basketball Challenge which was continuously going on for the last two days was finally over! Apparently, I only slept for not more than 13 hours for 3 days. Which means a mean of 4 hours and 15 mins a day approximately and that was for sure enough, it's TIRING!

The TAR College 3 on 3 was not that satisfactory for me. The outcome wasn't that good but at least it wasn't that bad either. Burned midnight-oil with Kong for nights and finally all those were done!

Currently, all left is the MDDB's Adoption Drive this coming Saturday! I'm kind of excited and looking forward for it, but first, I sure gotta handle my English presentation this coming Thursday first!

I have to say it was indeed a very busy week for me and Kong. Furthermore, things wasn't really going that well. It made life harder. None-the-less, we just had to pull through! Not much choices given.

Now, I'm a little worry for my results this semester. It made the butterflies in my tummy flying around. That's bad. Especially when I'm dealing with my gastric these few days. Made me feels like vomiting my meals out whenever I just fill my stomach. Plus, I just hurt myself with my own nails again today. Wondering what the heck is wrong with my body coordination recently. Gave myself a scratch at the back of my neck just now and it sure wasn't a small one. Chinese 7th Lunar Month. Hey hey, I am that superstitious! =P

Another thing I gotta mention here today is that I joined the other dudes for the DPR's event today. Guess what? I finally dared to step-in my foot into Haunted House for the first time. Damn~ My heart do beat fast and not to mention that I don't actually saw much as I've been closing my eyes, face flat towards Kong's back! xD All I know was that those people hit my leg with broom and catches my leg, made me scream and followed my back haunting me around all the way until we found our way out! Kong was like having fun disturbing the "ghosts" instead! Spoils the mood a little. Hahaha... Qii was the one got teased the most among us. Now his Facebook wall is filled up with his experience in the Haunted House now. LMAO!

Alright, that's for now. Update you guys some other days! Chaos! =D