Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yes, If you do read Chinese, I assumed that you know today I broke something and it's a plate! Hey hey, it wasn't actually my fault that it fell on the floor. It did not slipped right away from my hand eventually but, slipped from the rack once after I placed it there. So, NOT really my fault right? xD Long time since I broke one previously. Way back when I was still a lil' kid. That really refreshed my memory.

Right, today's all about LAW! Stressed up seriously. Got me insane. Applause for you, Law. No wonder why people always go insane when they took up this course. They go phsyco! They studied for years you imagine, yet I'm like just studying for 3 months, and here am I. Complaining. LOL!

Blames myself for not putting in much effort actually. It's alright! Time for me to go back to Law! Chaoz! ='(

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