Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Crazy Hangover!

It has been long since I went for clubs.
Last Monday night was one I would have mentioned as one of the epic hangover.
It was the first time I went for this kind of drinking occasion with Amy, Wey, and Michael to CAMEO.
Well, the four of us started off with one fair Hennessy, finishing half of the bottle within half an hour with the game we played.
I soon realized the four of us started getting tipsy with the blaring music that got us high enough to get our moves out.

After finishing the whole bottle, I did not expect Amy to order another two buckets of Hoegaarden.
I felt like killing her for that because as usual, I hated beer!
 It makes us full and get our tummy bloated.
The worst part is that it makes you vomit like crap.
The hell what's been happening to me right after a few bottles down our throat!

The funny part is that Ah Wey has been badly drunk and doing all sorts of nonsense stuffs. 
In the end, we don't even dare to let him drive us back when we are to go home.
The rest of the 3 of us weren't better than him I supposed.
In the trip of going out to the car, there's been a lot of pulls and pushes in getting Wey down the stairs.
That's when that drunktard pushed me and I had a bad knee contact with the staircase.
All I now remembered was that when I walked out to the front door then only did I feel the throbbing pain.
Guess what?

That was the most embarrassing part of my night when I recalled my bad night quarreling with Wonder and the other bad days.
My emotions started kicking in and there, I started to sob and cry.
Now I feel like killing myself.
This is the second time I've been drunk crying and worst, in the public!
I guess it kinda made Amy and Michael panic.

Now I don't remember the part of how I got into the car and the whole trip of how we ended up at Birch House McDonalds.
It kind of freaks me out now that I think of it.
All I know is that I was still crying and my eyes were damned puffy!
Over there, there are some conversations that I couldn't much recall and only knew when I saw the video Michael had recorded.
All I could say is OWHHH.MY.GAWDDD!

Right after I'm done crying I guess.
 Amy saying nonsense! xD
 Amy eating burger bread! 
Poker faced!
 Ah Wey: "Wa kio Bryan Tan, wa kio Bryan Handsome Tan!"
I have no idea why am I pouting in the first place!
 Look at that steam faces and my puffy eyes.
This was Wey couldn't even take pictures properly making us look like ghouls!
 Heylo Mikey!
Finally a proper face of ours!
Mr. Bryan Handsome Tan!
This was the part where nonsense conversations come in and Amy was fucking Ah Wey the whole time!
There was also a part I remembered is that I unintentionally dropped the McChicken filling Amy was feeding me onto the floor.
I picked up the meat and threw it at Michael, but I don't know how a few minutes later, Ah Wey was feeding me the particular meat again and ate the rest of it himself!
I now could only say it was disgusting having to think back of it and DAMN!
Later on, we were back to our safe home in Amy's dangerous drunken driving skill.
I thank God nothing happened and I'm still in one piece.
The whole incident doesn't just end here, the next day, which was yesterday was the worst.
All those post-drunk state effects starts kicking in.
My hands, arms, shoulders, knee, feet, waist, in fact, my WHOLE BODY were having bruises and blue blacks!
I suppose that comes from the pulls and pushes at CAMEO.
Today, my hands were trembling on its own when I were doing daily stuffs like eating and all.
I guess that comes from too much alcohol the previous day.
Couldn't deny the fact that we are getting older already!

Anyway, apart from the post-effects I'm having now, I guess it was really enjoyable.
There might be another such outing again with them next month!
Maybe after I come back from Taiwan and JB for the next two weeks.
Now that I mentioned Taiwan, I couldn't wait to go onboard next Wednesday!
Shall update my post when I come back regarding the whole trip.

While tonight, it's Rummy night!
Well, yeah!
I'm an addicted Rummy gambler!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hellish Weekend

Today, I'm in a mood to blog finally.
But too bad it wasn't under a very good circumstances.
It's more like a way to express the gray mood I'm having today.
I realized I prefer to put it in words here than to pick someone to express to.
I have Amy and Pauline to complain to, but they are both busy with their stuffs currently and I don't feel like interrupt them both unnecessarily. 

First, for the past one week ain't very favorable to me.
I've received one bad news of having my friend passing away due to an accident collided on the North-South highway two weeks back.
It was very shocking to having to lose a friend just like that in a blink of eye.
I then realized how life could just be shortened like that without any warning!
I now hope that he finds his peace in his afterlife and may he be blessed with good reincarnation in the next life.
This incident seemed to wake me up in the sense of appreciating the ones whom you are surrounded with now and live your life to the fullest everyday, for you may just lose everything in one unfortunate event that you may not even foresee. 

My luck does seemed to waive for the past one week and it is so frustrating to have been issued two summons in two consecutive days!
Yes, it is myself to blame for having my car parked outside the parking box but hey, it was a raining day and there are no other places for me to park and for me to get in the premises not being soak by rain.
Mr. MPPP, I really do admire your enthusiasm in doing your job, but please spare me some times could you?
There are like so many freaking cars and places out there and why have it got to be my damned freaking car?
And now I seemed to have recalled another unpaid summon in my car that was issued last two weeks ago.
So it's like one overdue summon plus two newly issued that amounts up to RM60 in a shot!
I could have just bought 10 freaking ticket books and use it for like god knows how long!!!

Next, it is kind of a personal issue and it is not fair for him to have it complained here.
Which is the major reason of my very own cloudy day today.
I just wish sometimes he could just be a little more thoughtful in this whole relationship thing.
Yes, I understand that women are hard to understand as we are one complicated being.
But in the end of the day, what we actually wanted was such simple things, to being accompanied.
Anyhow he seemed more devoted to other activities recently and I slowly got used to being on my own and without him.
He did asked for my permission of doing it, and of course I granted him the permission to go do what he wanted.
That is mainly because I see no reason why to keep binding him to me if there is no own will of his to do so.
Guess that teaches me slowly to be fully dependent on my own too.
But that doesn't mean I'm happy with such decisions.
I guess I'm just putting myself into such miserable mood.

However, not all is bad.
At least I'm improving in terms of my career.
That means much more to me than everything now.
To have something to concentrate on and creating my very own desired future.
Keep going for myself and family is all I could say!
I guess I've come to an end here for today!

Au revoir!