Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Chit chat with Melissa and Seang Yee last night... Waiting for countdown upon his arrival... Nearly 1 and a half hour we chated... Apa crap pun ada... LOL Seems really kap siao though... 1 hour passed quite fast, but yet he's still not calling...

NERVERMIND~~~ I will call him then...
Toot~~ Toot~~ Toot~~ Toot~~ No answer...
This goes on for 1 and a half hour...

I knew where he's having his meeting... I walked there... 3 roads away from my flat... Fear, Frustration, Anger and Patience walked with me... When I reached there, I was searching for his bike... There I see... Ahhh.... Relieved abit... Being a "Sua Pa Kau", I peeped into the shop... I saw people inside the other room... I tried calling him again... Still no answer...

I called and waited outside the shop for half an hour... Fear, Frustration and Anger are calling their friends joining him playing and have fun around me... While Patience are slowly walking away... Lucky there was a cockcroach stood there with me for that half an hour... I can see he's alone too...

I heard sounds of the scratching steel door opening... Fear, Frustration and Anger hurriedly ran away... I saw him walking out with his phone from his pocket... I walked straight to him... Guess he's surprised to see me... He then send me home...

On the bike I did not answer any of his questions... He apologised but I took no notice of what he's talking about... I just cling on to his back and said nothing...

"Call me if you are free later when you've done everything..."

That's the only sentence I said... I settled down on my bed and relax... My phone rang after 20 minutes... His pay had decreased as their company sales dropped 70% due to economical recession... I guess I did not care bout how he feel and asked him about his ex that he added in Facebook... He loses his temper and scolded me... End up we argued for another half an hour... He closed my call...

He called me back after 5 minutes... He apologised to me... I guess I'm the one who gets on his nerves right? For don't know why... Tears automaticly ran down my cheeks... It kept flowing... After we hang up, I still couldn't sleep... My nose can't function for more than 1 hour... Got no choice but to use ma mouth to breath...

This morning I came back from school early... Not feeling well... I switch my desktop on and look at his ex's profile in Facebook... Real pretty though... Felt so unsatisfied with myself... she'd got pretty eyes, fair skin, slim body figure, and nearly perfect in EVERYTHING!!! I think she went for modelling too... Where else I'm fat, tanned or should I say black and small eyes which looks more like a DISASTER... My mum saw her picture... She ask who is it... I told her its his ex...

"Wah, his ex ane sui ar... Who dump who wan?"

Nearly kek si khi... I knew I was no match compared to her... Real upset though...

And now... Just finish clearing the mess my dog, Bailey made... She really had fun playing with the bag of sand... Fuhh... Thought I would be having some rest... Haiz...

signing off~

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