Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Laptop, New Month, New Day, New Start

He bought a new laptop... Ahhh... Its an advantage for me... I don't need to snatch computer with my sis anymore!!! Get to lie on bed while online... Si pek eng... xD

Still wondering which college to go... I'm considerating SeGi College... Can stay at Penang for Degree... I need opinions!!!

I'm BROKE now... Haiz... Need $$$ badly... Anyone got "khang thau" kai siao me???

It rained whole day today... Got him late to work... I can say that I'm happy bout it... LOL... And we manage to settle our fight... =D That's an IMPROVEMENT right? Hehehe.... Had not been sleeping well recently... Too many things happened...

As for tonight, I wana stay up with him longer... So, sleep late... Hahaha... And now he's sleeping just right beside me... Loud snores he had got... Must be very tiring for him... Working hard and struggle all way long while trying to care for me... Its really hard for him to get a good rest... Love him loads...

Gonna continue soon...
~signing off~

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