Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rainy Day

Lazy to update my blog now... Its rainy day today... BIG-BIG rain... No likey~~ =( Stupid Lao Kong forgotten to take his Broadband that day... Now I have to use my house eh veerrryyy damn slow eh connection... So sad... Gonna have dinner tonight... Can "jeng sui sui liao"... Haha... Its my aunt's Wedding dinner...

Went to Burma Road eh 2 temples last Monday... Got no where to go... Then go there pai pai... Took abit pictures though... Hehe... We throw coins for the wishing thingy... Very beautiful... Also veerryyyy long did not go there d... So get to refresh the memory back... =D

All Lao Kong take for me wan.. He don't wanna take... Very gai wan him...

On that day itself we went to Ah Neng's house after going to the temples... Took some photos with his guitar... Haha... Meei Chyi will kill me if she read this... xD If can I will curi the guitar for her... But too bad kenot... Hahaha...
Took some pictures with him at night... Nothing much to do... LOL...

Bailey's sleeping pose... Chuubiii nia...

Last night went to find Ban Seng at Esplanade... Mana tau raining pulak... Kanasai... Then we went to Last time eh BT Food Court... Sat there for hours... It was pouring like hell yesterday night... Fuuhhhh~~~ We planned to wait for awhile more... And that time the whole coffee shop black-out... Damnit... Pau screamed and I screamed because she screamed... xD So pai seh... That stupid Ban Seng somemore scare me and make me scream... Kau giak eh... He keep throwing straws at my leg while I thought wth was touching my leg... LOL... That was the time I used my hp light and found all the straws on the tables are missing... And it was all on the floor... Ahak!!! Caught them... It was Ah Liang and Ban Seng... Bangau them... xD

We waited till the rain slow down... Me and Pau having hard time on da way back home as we keep using the other long long way to go back cause other roads were flooded... LOL... Ho chai not really high nia... If not we sure kheh tiao d... Hahahaa...

~signing off~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Red Box!!!

During Saturday me, Pau and Ah Neng went Mcd study... End up see Pau's pretty cousin then talk till no wear bra thing... xD

Went to Han Jiang for Finals after that...

Then went Red Box with Lao Kong, Pau, Ah Neng and Ah Wei on Monday... We peeped at a girl that did not wear bra but just nipplet... Reminded me and Ah Neng bout the case that day... LOL... Sang till we Sunk that day... Ah Wei pula busy eating and play Dear's laptop over there... Get to drink!!! He trying to control me while I tryin' to drink more... Hahahahahaa... Tell you people seriously, if I DON'T DRINK, I WON'T be so HYPER sing till so song d... Hahahhaa....

After going to Red Box, went Mega-Q play pool... Played with Lao Kong... Si oo ku bully me... End up I pay lo... LOL... Ah Neng lose to Pau again... Haha... Then he play the checker thing wih me... Very exciting... It's a tie... Counted not bad d la.. Yun Je the all lose to him till thiam-thiam... I somemore can draw wo... xD Not bad not bad...

After Lao Kong dropping all of them back, we go buy Mcd eat... Damn hungry... Straight go back get change and fly straight to Heng Ee as he want to play basketball... Ma follow him go lo... LOL... Mana tau they play half way that siao eh so called "kok chiu" come... Everyone beh syok him wan somemorehe want to play so rough... End up he get to mkan "chicken-wing" from Lao Kong... Hahahahhaa.. Serves him right... Even Jason also gave him one or two... Padan dia mia muka...

Had a great day that day... Somemore did not see those monkeys... I bet they really got caught back into the ZOO and kicked back to their own planets... xD

~signing off~

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just finish uploaded the pictures when we went for hang out last Sunday and Monday... Too bad can't upload the videao that Ah Neng dance... Hahahaha... Memorable...
Don't know why ever since I saw the incident, I felt like I became so suey... Hang out time keep meeting those monkeys... LOL... They know who they are if they read this... PS : Don't be too perasan... xD
By the way, really had fun those time hanging out with those crazy bugs... Hahaha... Hope they don't know I called them this... =P Me, Pau and Ah Neng is the Jie Jie and Ko ko there... The others like Kian Soon, Yun Jie, Yun Siang, Yao, Whey Ping, Chia Soon and other 2 whom I don't really know all younger than us wan... So, we are the "tai kor tai" and "tai jie tai" there... hahahhaha...

Still waiting for another hang out on Monday... =D Tomorrow going to library to study... Pau's teaching me, Yun Jie, and Ah Neng Maths and Add-Maths!!! Hehehe... Then gotta go Han Jiang at night... Do official table for the Finals... Woohooo~~~
Now gonna eat my maggi mee d...
~signing off~