Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Red Box!!!

During Saturday me, Pau and Ah Neng went Mcd study... End up see Pau's pretty cousin then talk till no wear bra thing... xD

Went to Han Jiang for Finals after that...

Then went Red Box with Lao Kong, Pau, Ah Neng and Ah Wei on Monday... We peeped at a girl that did not wear bra but just nipplet... Reminded me and Ah Neng bout the case that day... LOL... Sang till we Sunk that day... Ah Wei pula busy eating and play Dear's laptop over there... Get to drink!!! He trying to control me while I tryin' to drink more... Hahahahahaa... Tell you people seriously, if I DON'T DRINK, I WON'T be so HYPER sing till so song d... Hahahhaa....

After going to Red Box, went Mega-Q play pool... Played with Lao Kong... Si oo ku bully me... End up I pay lo... LOL... Ah Neng lose to Pau again... Haha... Then he play the checker thing wih me... Very exciting... It's a tie... Counted not bad d la.. Yun Je the all lose to him till thiam-thiam... I somemore can draw wo... xD Not bad not bad...

After Lao Kong dropping all of them back, we go buy Mcd eat... Damn hungry... Straight go back get change and fly straight to Heng Ee as he want to play basketball... Ma follow him go lo... LOL... Mana tau they play half way that siao eh so called "kok chiu" come... Everyone beh syok him wan somemorehe want to play so rough... End up he get to mkan "chicken-wing" from Lao Kong... Hahahahhaa.. Serves him right... Even Jason also gave him one or two... Padan dia mia muka...

Had a great day that day... Somemore did not see those monkeys... I bet they really got caught back into the ZOO and kicked back to their own planets... xD

~signing off~

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