Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just finish uploaded the pictures when we went for hang out last Sunday and Monday... Too bad can't upload the videao that Ah Neng dance... Hahahaha... Memorable...
Don't know why ever since I saw the incident, I felt like I became so suey... Hang out time keep meeting those monkeys... LOL... They know who they are if they read this... PS : Don't be too perasan... xD
By the way, really had fun those time hanging out with those crazy bugs... Hahaha... Hope they don't know I called them this... =P Me, Pau and Ah Neng is the Jie Jie and Ko ko there... The others like Kian Soon, Yun Jie, Yun Siang, Yao, Whey Ping, Chia Soon and other 2 whom I don't really know all younger than us wan... So, we are the "tai kor tai" and "tai jie tai" there... hahahhaha...

Still waiting for another hang out on Monday... =D Tomorrow going to library to study... Pau's teaching me, Yun Jie, and Ah Neng Maths and Add-Maths!!! Hehehe... Then gotta go Han Jiang at night... Do official table for the Finals... Woohooo~~~
Now gonna eat my maggi mee d...
~signing off~