Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's a Friday now.
Another week coming to an end.
Lots of happening for the last few weeks.
I'll just say out the events and let the pictures in Facebook do the sayings.
Move your cursor to the links and just give it a click to look at the pictures.

  1. 28th November 2010 : T-Bowl with Mummy and Daddy, of course with Lao Kong.
  2. 3rd December 2010 : Inter-Campus Sports Carnival in KL. Lake Ching fainted! Jun lost her handphone.
  3. 4th December 2010 : 1st and 2nd match with Perak and KL. Sunway pyramid with those crazy bunch of people and knew Wiing! Party Night! Stayed up whole night!
  4. 5th December 2010 : Supporting for Males team for 3rd and 4th placing. That's when we made LOTS of friends! Closing ceremony! On our way back home to Penang Voiceless!
  5. 9th December 2010 : Went to Tesco to buy ingredients for Friday's dinner! Went QB on the day itself to dine with his family.
  6. 10th December 2010 : Lunch with Lao Kong at E-Gate. And prepared dinner for the night! Sandwiches and Spagetthi. Main ingredient : SAUSAGES!
  7. 14th December 2010 : Bailey's and Dolly's sad happening.
  8. 16th December 2010 : Accounts Test 2. Super easy! Was supposed to be going for steamboat with TARC Basketball team but cancelled. Ended up in Gurney with Wonder and his parents instead! The night before sleep is indeed suffering.
I.O.M Test 2~~~
Screwed myself for couldn't concentrate when revising last minute! Refer back to the last two posts for the reasons.
Did badly for the test. Ruin my mood of the day! Lao Kong's presentation is over and the only good news is that I've got an A for summary test and Lao Kong gotten an A-!
The only satisfying part.
Wrote my blog with tears dripping.
Lao Kong sleeping soundly beside me.
I do wish he could gave me a hug, but it's bettr for things to stay these way.
He shouldn't be worrying anymore.

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