Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bailey and Dolly.

Thinking back of dogs, I've lost one.
Perhaps I should say that it was my Mum who let it off.
It was such a heartache looking at her and worry for her.
The fear of her being wet when rain pours and unable to look for foods just couldn't subside off from my mind.
The worst thing is that my Mum turns out to be leading her away farer and farer.
She's a good dog.
She'd came back for us.
My tears just couldn't stop dripping whenever I'm thinking about her.

The last I saw her was on Tuesday 15th of December.
She'd been so thin that I'm able to saw her rib bones.
I feel so useless for being unable to bring her home other than just bring her food and find her whenever I'm able to.
On that day itself, Hideaki told me he found her.
I rushed down as fast as I could and I could never ever forget her happy face and jumping towards me. She's missed us so badly but she's just forbidden to go home. Whenever she ran back home, she'll be brought down again by my sister and every single time she went back, the farer she would be brought.
It had been a few times they had been doing these.
When she saw me, she was so obedient. Sat when I ordered her to and she lied on the hard, tar-coated road just to roll down and play with me.
Giving me her hand just like what I used to asked her to do last time every single time I gave her a pat.
I gave her food and looked around for clean water to drink. She'd been so pathetically hungry and missed home I'm sure. I feel so bad for couldn't stay there longer as I have to go over to Lao Kong's house. She followed me to the back car park even though I asked her to go away and stay where she were. She was so determined to follow me even when the other dogs were barking hard on her. She even even nearly bitten by them but thank god I lead her away.
the rain started pouring and it was heart-wrenching looking out of the car staring at her looking out for me when I tried to get away. I couldn't bear the feelings any much longer and I called out for her name. It was pouring hard!
I was such a SCUM!
She came running around my car and knew I was in there. I opened the door and asked to come in. She did not but stayed there looking at me blankly. The roadside uncle stared at me but I paid him no attention! All I want was to asked Bailey to get in the car!
I even get down from the car to pull her in, but it was like as if she knew she wasn't supposed to be allowed to. She just keep moving away but still at the same spot.
I had no choice but to just drive away. I made a round back and felt better when I saw her going back into our flat compound. Still, I cried in the car on my way to his house.

But what I did not know about is that she was heading back to our home after I left her there!
Once again, she was brought to a farer place this time! Farer than I could imagine.
I thought that I would be seeing her again if she's just somewhere near home and at least I could feed her once in a while.
I guess I couldn't be doing so any longer now.
I still wished that she could find her way back to our flat compound but not going back home.
Although I knew it's kind of hard for her to do so.

While for Dolly, my aunt's white with brown patched Shi Tzu, passed away on the day itself.
Cute little mischievious doggie. Indeed it was really saddening watching our own pet die.
I knew how it felt when my hamster died in my hands where I watched her stretching hard for her last breath with my very own eyes.
So did my aunt.
She couldn't survive from the injections that was overdosed as she was having severe vommiting and diarrhoea.
I wished her rest in peace and reincarnate into something better in her next life.
As for Nicky, her the other half, seemed to be quite depressed as she would be no longer playing under the chairs with him.

Dogs could really be human's best friend and they serve their loyalty more than us human do.
I hope the ones wandering would find their best comfort and shelther for themselves.
So do Bailey.

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