Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm still me.

Alright, I've been reading others enough and now it's time for me to express mine.
It's last day of examination today.
1 additional paid paper to be taken for someone else this semester.
I've been stressing myself enough and do all I can for this semester.
Guess I've been really tensed up recently till I've been experiencing Insomnia.

Alright, nowadays you'd no longer see me writing bout my jobs and stuffs.
And that's because I ain't having any job or stuffs.
Just babysitting.
Yeah, nanny now.
But that doesn't really change me from being quite materialistic.
Still into money.
Who doesn't right?
Alright maybe I'm being quite emo today, but some people just doesn't quite realize.
He's tired I know.
I wonder if guys could really get their minds off their games for a moment.
Yes, maybe a moment and they'll be right back on their game again.

Time for me to strenghten back my relationship with my family members and my other friends.
I've been so self-obssessed recently.
Yeap, all bout studies and money.

Latest update was bout my grandma complaining hard to have a look on my face.
Second was Kiam's return from Philliphines.
Third, grandma of my friend's whom I respected too just passed away yesterday morning.
My condolence.
Kind of depressed for lots of stuffs.

Next week's gotta be Under-18 MSSPP in Dalat.
Told you, all about money.
I was trying not to be so materialistic somehow, but I just couldn't!
Guess someone could really gone through changes as one grows.
I could never thought of how I could change into my current stage.
As though some people don't really recognise me anymore.
Changed for a good? Or either way?
Waiting to get an answer.

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