Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, August 27, 2021

New Business Coming Up

Two posts in a day?


I just realized I have not posted my draft during May until now.

Just publishing it from my Draft.

Up until now, things were changing now and then.

My new business is finally launched on 30th July 2021.

Sedap@DimSum it's name it is!

Yup, We're selling Dim Sum online!

Things have then escalated quickly.

Business plans proposed. 

Ideas executed.

Money spent.

Stress comes after that.

The way I was slacking in the past three years definitely relieved me from all the tension I have been dealing with.

Now is the time to get my momentum going.

Time to fight for what I've been wanted to do myself.

Business have been so-so.

Due to yet to make any advertisements.

But I believe it will get better each and every day.

Fight, Fight, Fight!

Guess this is a motivational post.

I wished for the same every upcoming chapters of my life that it will be the same.


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