Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Family & Friendship

 Someone said my post is all about my wrecked-up relationships.

But after the previous post, my inspiration started coming.

I just needed to get it out of my head.

Talking about Family and Friends.

Our blood-bonds are usually the initial motivator to our life I phrase it.

Friends comes after that.

Although sometimes not everyone experiences the same but I believe for the most of us, It Is.

My supportive family lies behind my whole strength and what keeps me going right now.

Though depressed and down-times sucked, I have to say my family members really have been really supportive and caring for my well-being.
That is also the reason why I've been susceptible into telling them too much.

Just didn't want to make them more worried than necessary.


They love me as much as I loved them.

Often the called to check on me to make sure I'm okay, texted to annoy me for fun (much to my delight), and asked me out or asked to visit me at my place.

They definitely are part of cores to my well-being! 

This post is to particularly show a lot of Gratitude to those who've helped and accompanied me throughout.

Never in Life that I feel so much Love from all of them until in time of such need.

Each and everyone of them played a different role in helping me.

All shaping me into how I am today.

They are the ones that made me felt Life wasn't that bad.

The Ones that made held on for such a long time.



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