Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today that's the new me starting my life all over again.
Telling myself what are the do's and don'ts.
I guess I really deserve someone better.
For example, the one who I am with now!
The one who cares for me all along although he's the one who's getting hurt for no reason.
Staying sweet and cheers me up for when I'm unhappy for some other reasons that he doesn't like.
Yes, that's him ~ Wonder! My Lao Kong. <3

In two days time, I've been stupid enough to do all foolish stuffs.
Witnessed how one loser accused someone for someone else' doing.
Saw how much one could turn really mean and black-hearted when being accused.
Saw how one could really do for the one he loves.
Leaving all his egoistic and do what he's capable of for the particular someone.
Realizing Love itself can really turned into Hatred when it wasn't handled in a proper way.
Realizing that the world is indeed unfair and it's a Dog-eat-Dog world.

I believe all these will come to an end one day.
Karma and Effect.
Maybe you don't believe it's true, but it's observing every little thing you're doing.

Yes, I'm one of those whose I mentioned.
I seriously never thought of things happened in such a way that could just spin my mind off its sanity.
Being half-conscious and mesmerized, I knew it's really timed for me to totally let go of everything I used to worry about.
Something I need not to!
Blaming myself is a part of it, but surely there were some who should be bearing more of the responsible and yet they don't!
All I can do now is to just forgive and forget!
It is hard, and today, silence did all the talking.
Making the one who really cared for me worrying over something I'm obsessed of.
I felt I'm self-centered and inconsiderate.
That's the shit I was today!

Now, I'm awaken.
Just needed the time to prove everything and let my mind getting used to it.
I know~
There's lots of things that I should be worrying over other than these unnecessary issues.
I admitted I was too reluctant to let go before these.
Now that I saw and witnessed what I should.
Knowing the reality behind those curtains.
All I wished was to curse those losers to death!
I do!
He's the one who changed my mind, though I'm still not used to the decisions made.
Still I knew it was the right thing to do.
Forgetting all these.

Letting off another burden and lead my life to its fullest!
With the one who really cares for me.

I swore to do it in a months' time.
Like I said, I'd achieve something I want if I were determined enough!
I know I could do it, with his help.

Now, to the losers : Bless you!
I'm getting used to things around me without you!
Life's much better.

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