Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Went market this morning with him... Things were okay at 1st till I got moody... I guess I really started everything again... I guess... I don't know... Haiz... I found out that his grandma says I'm filled up with too much jealousy... Ain't it normal to be jealous??? It makes me think like I'm annoying him... I hated that feeling...
Its holidays now... Can't wait for SPM to finish then I can go Genting with Pauline they all and him... Pau say she wana drive but I think mostly won't la... LOL... Far too dangerous than any roads in Penang... I don't wana fall into any of the pits!!! Don't kill me Pau... xD
He downloaded o2 mania for me in his laptop!!! I appreciated that... I started to regret for scolding him something about not loving me anymore... I just scream out anything when I'm angry... I can't help it... Who call him keep on scolding me back something worst... Even my mum scolded me for bugging him... Its not FAIR!!!
Had conversations with Doreen they all last night... Siao kias... I'm so lost in the convo... LOL... Its quite fun talking like that after so long... Too bad everyone started to get busy with their stuff and left few of us talking only... And I've got a new sentence!!!
Bangau-bangau sekalian bangun-bangun...
And speaking bout new learnt sentence, I'd got this from Ah Tong... This is for when you've got nothing to say when shooting people... Then you wish to make them nothing to say, say this...
Saya tak ada kata-kata nak kata...
In another languague is...
I've got no frog to frog...
Ho liao le??? xD At least now I've got something to make me smile back...
~signing off~

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