Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Not My Day.

Too many things to tell since the last time I logged-in here and blog... Good and Bad things happened... Well, some of the important events were Jia Min's birthday... Sweet time we were having without the guys... =D

Skip all those... Too much to tell in a day's time... Let those be memories... And I shall start with today! It's Just NOT my day!!!

It started off with a morning call from Hidea... It's not a good news... Having his leg sprained as someone stepped on it and just can hardly step on the floor... Had no choice but having himself admitted in GMC Hospital... I'd really thank Wonder for his help... If he hadn't been fetching us there, I'd be having some trouble settling some stuffs this morning... I'd really appreciate that... As for Hidea, he seemed to be kind of enjoying being admitted in hospital, other than being starved at night for the dinner was not served... Thanks to the absent minded nurses...

Okay, after these morning's incident of Hidea's, everything was quite fine till it came to the time I have to run off for training in college... Having some of my "stuffs" not found... I was quite frustrated by then... Yet I couldn't make any calls to tell them I might be late for training, as my phone line was barred due to the credit limit... It's okay~ All I thought what I needed to do is to just go off to the Maxis centre and get my bill paid! Went off to my car, can hardly start the engine as it was left undriven for weeks... I'm not surprised... I thought I would just drive without the air-conditioner to let it be warmed-up enough... There I go~ Window's opened!

Rushed to Maxis centre nearest to my house... Went in and surprisingly, SYSTEM DOWN! I was Down-er by then... I'm left with no phone to use and yet the bill still have to be paid... I was then issued a receipt and pay for it when their network system is done... Which is tomorrow... If they don't, I will go crazy!

I drove to college after that... The traffic was a BOOM! Flying car I was driving and still I was late for half an hour! Better than none still... The minute after I got my slippers changed into basketball shoes, tiem for me to get my windows closed and off my engine... That was when another thing happened! My left side window got stucked and can not be closed... GREAT! I couldn't try any much longer after 15 minutes, so I gave up... Leaving the window bare-screened and rushed in for training!

Forgotten everything when having training... For such a long time I did not sweat like that... Nearly vomited when my stamina comes to an end... That's also because I am dieting... Bear the pain and there I went again... When it was time for me to go home, thanks to Hamster and the others for their assistance to my car and have a look on what they could do... Too bad, it was a no! The window was totally stucked! Then I realized one more thing when I unlocked my car, that was I did not even locked my car! I was so glad that my car was still there... xD

Thanked God, Ah Neng was there to fetch Lake Ching... My Saviour! THANK YOU!!! Was really relieved when I saw the window slowly scrolled up little by little... =D

Dropped Ah Jun and Astin home and tailed Ah Neng back home using the "sua loh"... Then they planned to go over to Fettes park for dinner... I thought that it would be a show of gratitude by going along with them... At least I did chatted with them happily even though I was restraining myself from having dinner... One more surprise thing is that Lake Ching and Ah Neng both saying that me n Wonder are very matching from the pictures taken when we were standing together in the pictures of his sis-in-law's engagement day... =P

Went back home safely and found no parking again... Gotten used to it... Did my usual house chores as usual and now having my whole back ache... =(

Hoping for a better day tomorrow... I'm starving now... But will be determined! I would NOT eat!

~signing off~

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