Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rainy Day.

It's raining hard today... Spent whole day at home being annoyed by Chloe... Thank God he's here to accompany... =P It's like just a moment he left my house and now I already start missing him! I know I'm being sickening but it's true... I just have to admit that... Hahaha... Anyway, still going off for dinner with him later... Roti Bakar! Kacau my sister over there... Working part-time... At the same time I'm finding reasons to eat! I was supposed to be dieting right now! Shit me~ =P

And now, since my sis is working part-time there, no one would be taking care of Chloe... Great! Two days in a week and I have to come back home early to babysit that notorious kid... LOL! I'll go crazy... Result was out yesterday... It's a satisfactory to me... Surprisingly, I've gotten an A for Hubungan Etnik! Which I thought I might have gotten a C or B! Funny~ As for Wonder... He had to resit for Microeconomics... =( I felt sad for him though he doesn't seem to mind... =.=" He better try his best this semester or I would kill him... xD

Next, school fees! After paying that, totally pok kai! My phone bill too... I guess I have to get myself a Digi sim-card... Argh~ Struggle hard... Don't care... Work more, Play less! I need a job at night... With reasonable pay and convenient for me... Where??? My sis had gotten her's... Now it's my turn! LOL!

Just watched Tv news... Operasi at UPR... Sapu all those people... Washeh~ Thank God I'm being good... No clubbing... xD

Now... I'm SUPERB BORED!!!

~signing off~

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