Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

It had been quite funny for the weather lately. Was raining and being hot all in a sudden. All in a sudden, TORNADO in Penang??? I saw the other video about it last time which I thought it was a bogus. Now it happened again. Indeed it's true. No likey. =(

Was quite busy with trainings and everything lately. Recalled about the Friendly Match on the last Friday. It wasn't good. Nearly all of us getting ourselves hurt. As for me, I got myself being guilty again for making him mad at me for not taking care of myself. Sorry Lao Kong. It wasn't on purpose. I take a chance here to apologize for my wrong being. =)

For the last 5 times of training before going off next month for the Inter-Campus. Again I'm worry after the result of Friday's scores against Dalat. Not very pleasing. Hmmm~ Hopefully they would be improving until the day comes. =)

Accounts presentation was over! Was reading eventually. Needless to say. Last minute work again for no doubt. =P But, I couldn't believe I screwed up for English on last Saturday. Such a disgraceful thing. Gosh, it had been the last thing on my mind that I would be screwing up over a God damn summary. Down~ As for IOM test, again. You know me, I don't know you! That's what I have to pay for NOT studying!!! Next week Accounts test, NO Eyes See!!! =(

Lately, my backache came back like an annual visit. Comes and goes as it like. No good. Once you got that at the right place, Piakk! Hurts you like hell. And when you don't, you can jump like a Monkey and all. Was looking for more chances to go jogging and play some sports. Went for Badminton with Wonder, and the others last night. It was my first time playing with them and I started off with Steven's hard smack on my left ear. He'd aim me all night whenever he had the chance to. LOL! Thanks to my piggy or else I wouldn't know how many bumps I would be getting. Didn't know I've been having a spy though. Iron Man~ xD The one who smacks Steven at the back. Haha. But it came to just a win-win thing when Wonder told me he had one from him too before that game of ours. Looking forward for it again. Kinda addicted to it since my main purpose is just to sweat hard! =)

Talking bout sweating leads to my weight! I realized that I got back to 49kg from 51kg in a few days time. Woohoo~ My Zhu Zai gained weight though. Addition of 1.5kg since Thursday when we last weight ourselves in the clinic. I'm happy and he's upset. LOL! =P

Today, my mood went a little bit swinging. For one minute I'm laughing and joking and the next minute, I'm thinking sort of nonsenses all around. Ain't a good thing. But I just had no idea why. Cramped with lots of nonsense I am. Should have get rid of it but it's just not easy. Had been trying and will be trying. =)

~signing off~

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