Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well, long since I've been updating about my life here.
Again, lots of events.
But I won't be telling everything by detail anymore.
Just too lazy.
Now I'm back to my tanned skin.
Bukit Merah with family and Kong last Saturday and it was a stay-over there.
Had real great fun.
Indeed shopping there was great.
Bought my little Domo there and my recycle bag there.
Found it at last!
Things aren't really that good actually if we were to look from another prospect.
Not much assignment, but enough to get me big-headed.
I felt that this semester eventually I did better in my assignments and tests.
Though it's a not bad, still the satisfaction was never enough.
15/20 for my FOM test just don't really satisfy me.
I can actually felt myself keep urging me to do better.
I'd really wonder is this the time I am trying to prove myself better?
By trying to achieve an outstanding result?
You may see that this is indeed a good thing, but somehow it annoys me and Kong.
As though I was looking down upon people although I was not!
Even Lao Kong felt this way.

I was just trying to prove myself.
I started to hate group assignments.
It seems like I was trying to accomplish whatever things myself even if I don't need to.
Good and Bad.
OB assignment and presentation was just good.
It seemed to flow smoothly.
Now it's just the FOM assignment that's gonna give me a little more headache.

By the way, I'm into Taiwanese series again recently.
It's just some old movies and it did made me a little emo everytime I watch it.
Somehow I hoped it kind of linked to my life.
Love story.

Another day today.
Our half year anniversary.
Don't really wanted to count our days like that, but since it was him the one who did, I'm ok with it.
It proves he'd been really care and appreciate the days with me.
Thank you Lao Kong.
Dined-in at Sushi King and a movie.
A Cantonese movie by Eric Tsang and his fellas.
Funny one.
Dirty movie.
Redbox was next and the guys screamed their lungs out.
Pity my ears.

I'd feel sorry for some other things these two days.
All for my friends.
Both for different reasons.
And also, sorry Lao Kong for making you unhappy with it.

Was thinking whether should I upload my photos here.
But I guess I won't be doing so.
Just not much in a mood.
I shall let all these be in black and as plain as it would be like my emotion now.