Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Geezz. Damn lots of cruelty I saw nowadays on how people treated the strays. How I wished those people would reincarnated being a stray in their next life tortured! Karma! But, I still would hope so. That would also means there will still be more strays born. Our motive is to Catch, Neuter and then Release them back to their community. That would help to control the population of strays yet lessen their suffer. Some people just don't get it. These cats and dogs are livings too. Why the hell would people be so cruel to them.

Another screwed-up semester. This semester, my assignments sucks to the max! Well, Jas left TARC already along with Steven to Segi because of Japanese Language we are learning this sem. No doubt, it was hard. Really hard. But all we have to do is learn. You got the heart, you'll be able to catch up. My course-work for this semester is already gone case. Bye-bye! No other words can describe better.

This sem is real busy. With lots of hard-core assignments and a few events going on, it is indeed harder to concentrate. My 3 on 3 event on this coming 30th July was such a failure! The response was real bad, and we even have to extend our deadline to encourage more teams. I was more like begging around. So anyone who still wants to join, please do tell me about it. We are still available for registration until Thursday!

Then, again. The MDDB's 1st Adoption Drive in Penang this coming 6th of August! People, please do come and support. You can help either physically or mentally to help the strays! Kong's helping out too! <3 Through donations or spread of words, you'd helped us to do publicity on how to control the populations of strays in some correct way. Not just by killing them or starving them to death! Please do help. It would mean a lot to our fur friends.

Speaking about friends. Lots of people around me who are having relationship problems recently, don't felt bad nor sad. You have friends. You can choose to tell or keep it to yourselves, but please do remember, we'll always be there for ya. Look forward and live your life to the fullest with no regrets! I'll stand by ya. =) <3

God bless all the people around me and myself! Love.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Events! =D

Alright, this post would be all about assignments again. There's no doubt that most of the students' (us) love to procrastinate their school works and assignments. That includes me as well of course. Gotta admit that, else I wouldn't be needing to post this particular post I'm typing right now. You see, everything had been quite last minute and eventually, this semester, my coursework results SUCKS! Not all of them but MOST of them! I wouldn't want to put the blame on others. All I can is just to blame myself.

Plus, Lao Kong's grandma passed away last week. All I can do was just hope she will rest-in-peace. I felt bad for not being able to attend her funeral as I was restricted to. Yet causing some people to misunderstand causing my day miserable. Hmmm... Rest in peace Grandma.

Went off to Pulau Jerejak with Cindy Aunty and her friends along with both my parents. I didn't know I was able to hike and do some hard core stuffs with those kind of "pretty-pretty-shoes" on. That was because I didn't even know I would be doing all those kind of hiking and stuffs like that! Hey, guess what? I pulled through! The hiking part was kind of hard with those shoes on, we even met a Cobra on the way hiking. The most fun part was the Flying Fox and also the hanging bridge. That was because the people whom tagged along were fun! The hanging bridge really did went swinging around crazily. Also for the first time of my life I did wall-climbing! Wow! It really do need so much physical energy and mental to reach the top and hell yeah! I DID! Something to be proud of as most of the girls were all screaming like banshees on the way up there. Only the two among us reached the top and got lifted down by the people in-charge, scaring the hell out of us. Damn, they made us felt like as though we were jumping down from a 3 story building! But that was really an experience! I'd love to do it again!

Besides, there's a coming 3 on 3 on the 30th July that our college, TARC is organizing. I'm lucky enough to be the organizing chairman for this event and there's much to do! Hopefully there's enough teams that would be joining and there will be a big crowd there.

I would also like to share out the MDDB & MCCP's Adoption Drive that will be held at Juru Auto-City this coming August on the 6th! I would also be helping out over there and hopefully enough there will be supporters helping out by purchasing the merchandised items sold over there. The profits would then be used as a charity funds to help the strays. It's meaningful isn't it? So people, do come and adopt our cute puppies who need their permanent loving home. Give them a second chance. Love to see you all there.

Well, I've to stop now. Would update my blog soon. I got out of order again this few days. Some wreckage had been done and I hope the maintenance would do me some good. Chaos!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Warning - Battery LOW!

I felt so worn out these few days.
Damn some irresponsible people making my life like hell-inconvenient!
Thanks to someone too for being that damn patient dealing with my 'stress-ness'.
You know who is it, there's no such need to say it out.
All I do to relax myself is by being committed to the MDDB thing to help raising funds for the strays' spaying and neutering expenses from the public.
My goal is also to create the public awareness of MDDB & MCCP.
Through this way, there will be more people who would be aware of our existence and help to raise the fund to help the strays.
I hope my plan would work out somehow.
Hopefully, people would be supporting me by helping to donate.
It doesn't matter how much you have donated, it's all the heart that matters.
You gave me coins or bank notes, I'll still thank you with a grateful smile.
After all, we're just helping by doing all we can do to help those in need.
Malaysian dogs really do deserve better don't you think?