Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Warning - Battery LOW!

I felt so worn out these few days.
Damn some irresponsible people making my life like hell-inconvenient!
Thanks to someone too for being that damn patient dealing with my 'stress-ness'.
You know who is it, there's no such need to say it out.
All I do to relax myself is by being committed to the MDDB thing to help raising funds for the strays' spaying and neutering expenses from the public.
My goal is also to create the public awareness of MDDB & MCCP.
Through this way, there will be more people who would be aware of our existence and help to raise the fund to help the strays.
I hope my plan would work out somehow.
Hopefully, people would be supporting me by helping to donate.
It doesn't matter how much you have donated, it's all the heart that matters.
You gave me coins or bank notes, I'll still thank you with a grateful smile.
After all, we're just helping by doing all we can do to help those in need.
Malaysian dogs really do deserve better don't you think?

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