Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, May 10, 2021

The New OutBreak

 Exactly a year after the First MCO.

Seems like the Covid Virus actually got the better of Malaysians these days.

Somehow people learned to live with it but never learned to overcome and to break it's chain.

Now it's MCO 3.0

These days it's purely just more wines and alcohols. 

New achievement unlocked is to quit smoking cigarette but still vaping.

I gotta say its better than being stuck with both of them at the same time.

Now, talking about life these days....

Life got kinda messed up with a lot of complications.

Just settles my LHDN coffee interview and I have to say it went better than expected.

Lesser fine than I thought I would get.

Thank Goodness!

Well, relationship is still a mess.

I don't know it LDR works for me or the other way round.

The relationship this time with Marcus is way different than Albert.

Things were working in a complete different way.

We both gave each other a lot of freedom, which is Good, or Bad.

Could be both way round.

I was granted with whole load of freedom that makes me feel like it doesn't make any much difference from being single.

Which is also the same amount of freedom I gave him.

I was a completely different from all my past relationships.

However, I've met more people and gained more different experiences throughout.

Being so much in liberty made me think a lot.

Would I be better off alone?

What if all those previous Predictions come true and I am slowly being mold into the person they predicted I would be?

Am I acting now on sound mind?

I was literally quite confused.

They said I could be hallucinating these days, which I do not feel it is true.

Yet, they said I wouldn't even know if what I thought as true were all hallucinations.

Coming to the reason I mentioned about hallucinating is that I've been experiencing Paranormal activities in my own new house lately.

That is if a few months is called "lately". 


Not to mention, I've been around to temples and drinking amulets for the past week.

Not sure if which was real.

Dreams every night of different situations are haunting me.

From dreaming about normal daily life happenings to ghostly haunting. 

It seemed like I've been so used to these that I don't even feel anything anymore.

Daily life have been empty, though it was eventful.

Just couldn't really find meaning and participation in daily happenings.

It felt as if I was there, yet not.

Guess I wasn't the actual me anymore.

Things changed so much that I can't even recall which is the original state of mind.

I guess that's what they called "Life is but a Dream".

Hoping I might wake up someday.

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