Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yesterday was a quite boring day with nothing to do... All I did was sitting in front of my desktop for the half of the day... But things changed when it comes to the night... Steven, Jasmine, Wonder and I went for a movie in Gurney... It was supposed to be Legend of The Guardians at first... That Steven, saying that it's a "Gina Hi", changing our mind, we ended up watching... Well, it starts with the word "Legend" too, but ended with a "Fist"... LOL! The movie was not bad... Wonder kept yawning and was just waiting for the fighting part... But I wanted to watch that 3D movie so badly! That 'Eglantine'!!! Super cute!!! The white innocent-looking owl... Awww~ It melted my heart... I would have pinched its cheeks if it's for real... Wonder told me then it would have been dead... xD

He promised that we would be going for that movie... Whee~ I want to watch it so so so~

I <3 movies about Journeys, Supernaturals and Adventures... Storylines about Love and Comedies are also my favourites... Nowadays I guess I'm stuck to 3D Cartoonish movies... But I prefer to watch it without the 3D... For it makes me headache and the main thing is that they have got no subtitles... No good~ =P

After movie, we went for steamboat at Xuan Xin at Tanjong Tokong... Bloated my tummy with Tom Yams... Hehehe... Jas ended up being a... I don't know what you call that... People who mixes juices and something like 'bar girl'... Something like that la... LOL! Mixture of Blackcurrant, Orange, and Iced-Lemon Tea... Tasted good! Yum Yum~ xD

We spent time sitting alongside Gurney Drive... Nice wind I would say... Helps in rewinding our minds and it was high tide... Jas thought it was Tsunami when the waves hitted the rocks and onto the pavements... =D Funny girl she is...

Steven was so bored and he ended up with an idea suggesting we should take a stroll up to Batu Feringghi and back to Gurney again... That notorious guy... Hmm... Beh tahan sama dia... Raced with that "SLK" ( Kancil )... Win liao tiuk song liao... LOL! It's okay... Wonder and I kinda enjoy it at the backseat as we were not the ones driving... Haha...

Reached home quite late... And that would be one of the few times for the whole Sem-break... Gotta be "kuai kia" when Semester 2 starts... =)

~signing off~

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