Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I found out that I've left out lots of things unpost on my blog and Facebook... Espeacially my photos... I would be Bomb-ing up my albums soon... xD Hmmm... I'm worried about my results now... Fuhh~ Wondering how it might be...

Watched Legend of The Guardians today... It was fascinating! But Wonder was freezing to death beside me... Yawning all the way... xD I guess I didn't feel anything as I was wearing long sleeves... LOL! All I knew is that I was enjoying the movie... Eglantine? Superb cute! Sorren? KEAT! Haha... Conclusion, the movie was great! It gave me somekind of feeling of being fascinated and it was really very enjoying... But of course, depends on who I'm watching with... =P

I hated my new time-table... Class starts late, ends late... And another thing... LECTURE! Super-HATE! Espeacially when I don't want to see that somebody during some lecture! =( Sipek DOWN~ Bo huat... I misses Jasmine! Hardly got someone to talk with when I'm bored in lecture hall other than Jia Min and Qiu Jia... =P IMY!!!

Guess I should be sleeping now... Its 1.54 am in the morning... LOL... Gotta wake up early tomorrow... Nights... =D

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