Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Change in Life.

Lots of things happened in just a month... And now there are big changes in my life... Things were not as before... New Life, New Partner... Guess everyone was surprised to know that I've got a new boyfriend... And yes, it's Wonder... Never thought of it before... It's not only a surprise to everyone but to me myself too... =)

Anyway, I'll start off with our Genting trip, which was a blast! Couldn't believed that it gave me such wonderful time being with these crazy whackos! That goes to Ratatouile, Ah Bii, Wonder, Iron Man, Chao Paper, De ling, and Lee! xD The picture of us riding the 'Cyclone' was seriously doing its role... Every single time I was looking at the picture, it made me laugh! Not at anyone, but myself! LOL! I guess Lee seriously bought those two for RM15 each were for some reasons... xD Conclusion, the whole trip = Unexplainably shocking and Fun! =D

Now, bout Wonder... I was too afraid to accept him at first... The feeling of afraid I'm not a good girl for him makes me felt really down... The other problem is the people around us... But everything changed after the Genting trip... The whole happening kinda change my mind and gave me new hope, telling me to look forward and also asking me to move on... And I think that everyone will be getting used to it sooner or later... And I have to be ready of what people would be thinking or saying bout me... All the criticsisms... I know... I won't blame them but myself... I created all these myself... At least now me and Hidea are still friends after the broke up... It's not that bad after all... Life goes on pretty well... I was so scared and dare not to take any step of this problem before this... But now I realized that I should have did it earlier... It's good for the both of us...

Clear with what I'm doing now at least... =) Sure of course it won't be that easy for me to face all these... But, at least I tried... I know there are more obstacles to come in future... I promised myself that I would pull myself together and go through all these... I promised!

One thing I'm feeling bad now is that today is Hidea's mum's birthday... I sould be celebrating with them if all these did not happen... But since it already did, all I can do is to wish her a 'Happy Birthday' by sms... =(

I just browsed through his profile just now... And realized that all the songs he posted up in his profiles were all my favourites... Thinking back of all those memories that I should be forgetting now... For one and the last time... One of the songs seriously made me cried... And it's like a message from him to me... I thought he actually forgotten the song as it was like quite long ago since the last time we heard of it...

'Wo De Cuo' by B.A.D.

Those would be just memories from now onwards... And I've got a new datas to save from now onwards... It's from 18 Septeber 2010... The current new mystery that I should remember every second of it... =D

I won't forget every single thing that happened but, I promise that it would not be affecting the new current me... Promise is a promise!

Can't wait for Semester 2 to start... Would be shocking everyone in my class... LOL... My Gfs would be like OMG all around I guess... =P Looking forward for a movie! Legend of The Guardians!

~signing off~

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