Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Presentation for English DONE~

Lots of happenings around the corner especially when it comes to assignments and presentations. Was kind of bored with my formal wear that I wore before. So I decided to get myself a formal skirt to match up with my top since I did not have one, and that was on Saturday. Couldn't find any company to go along with me at first and I was so lazy to drive as Wonder was having an outing with his former classmates. In the end, my grandparents would be my first choice, since it was quite sometime since I went out with them. I was rushing for my English presentation slides at the same time. Again, last minute work! Wonder and I just couldn't help procastinating! While I was doing my slides in the Saturday afternoon before going out later at night with my grandma to QB, I was having a chat with Jasmine at Facebook. Luckily she had to get her formal wear for Accounts presentation as she got bored of hers too and we had our girl's date! Unfortunately, I had to give my grandma a "flight" and felt so sorry for it. She came over to get me fetched and I have to say her driving skills were a bit rusty. Hahaha. We just got used to being fetched instead of fetching people for quite sometime. It is undeniable. We chatted all our way there. Too many topics to be discussing about. Had our dinner at T-Bowl. From my experience, the Cheese-Baked Tuna Crab Meat Rice was nice during the last visit there with my Mum and Wonder. So I recommended her that and she chose Cheese-Baked Chicken Chop in Twin Sauce at first. The funny thing was that when we were placing our order, the waitress told us that the two Cheese-Bake's that we had order were quite large for two girls' appetite. We were Forcing ourselves not to laugh and we changed our Chicken-Chop into Tom Yam Seafood Ramen. Which was quite the same size as the previous order too. xD Seems like our size do deceive people who doesn't know us whose appetite is not small. LOL! Shared our foods and it did taste delicious. The Tom Yam tasted just like it and the Cheese-Baked was as great as ever! Ordered Blue Curacao Frappe Bubble Mocktail and Honey Dew Sago. The mocktail tasted special but the sago was a bit disappointing as it doesn't taste as good as expected. Had some pictures with Jas though. We sat there for an hour ++ talking all sorts of things. Our topics were marvellous and it felt like we hadn't been talking like that for years!!! We shopped for our needs at the Brands Outlet at first. The pricing for the formal skirts were nice and affordable and we got ours there. Was even more satisfied when we found our top in Jusco! Woohoo~ I wasn't supposed to be buying anymore top as I don't need one but it was just so impossible for me not to buy it! The price was really reasonable for a quality like that. Me and Jasmine did not realize that we both were actually buying the same whole suit! Haha~ Sisters for real! We were just busy shopping, trying on clothes and crapped all we want until we even forgotten about our Boyfriend. Girls can be really wild when they were shopping I have to say~ Talking bout clothes, I remembered that I did not posted any picture for Jia Min and Jas' birthday present. Of course Ash too. I shall take this opportunity to post it up here this time in this post. Back to the day for me and Jas. =P We don't felt like going back home by the time we done shopping and it was already 10 something. Most of the shop lots in the mall were already closed. We even got shoo-ed out from Aldo as Jas was still looking for her shoe for presentation. We ended up in e-Gate Old Town to pass our time and continued chatting till 1am! Our hyper mood wasn't over yet as I just drank Cham-Peng by then. Drove to my house there and we were talking in the car until 2.10am. Our boyfriends were shocked with us and urging us to go back home respectively earlier. Hahaha... Guy, if you don't know, it the alternative way to pay our revenge on you. xD Making you worry for us makes us felt good and cared! Do it often! =P Was sleeping late that night. But couldn't believe that he even slept later than me! 4 something! I hate you~ And Jas, I'm looking forward to shop with you again for my upcoming New Year clothes!!! xD LOL!

Went to market with my Mum the next day. Which was a Sunday. Saw Blackie's pup before going to market downstairs. Super cute but too bad she'd got skin disease like her Mum did. =( To be coincidence, it was my Mum's Off-Day that day. Asking me where I would be bringing her along, which ended up being rejected as I were to go over to Wonder's house to get our slides done or we would be in dead-meat! Had to go over to a funeral procession after that. Felt really sorry for my friend and his Mum. Uncle Loo, Rest In Peace. I reached home and Mr. Piggy was still sleeping. waited for him till late noon. We managed to get our slides done and even rehearsed for our timeline. Was Camwhoring when he was doing his own slides. Couldn't believed his slides were lot better than mine. Surprisingly. Hahaha... But somehow, the day itself don't really ended great as how it seemed. I felt somehow sorry and miserable for him. I should have been understanding. Slept at 2am. Pop~ Good night I said~

And today, I couldn't wake up in time for lecture. As expected. We attended our IT lecture late and sneaked out before it even have its 5 minutes break in the middle of the lecture! Was surprised by someone special who followed us this time for our lunch. xD Surely she is someone extraordinary or else we wouldn't be alarmed by her presence. LOL! Off to SBS 3rd floor for Big 2 game after our lunch at Gurney Drive. And then, Ta-Da~ English Presentation at 3pm! He was the first to start and he was quite nervous as I was observing him from behind at first, but he ended his slides great. Was proud of him. I was so nervous when it came to my turn that he walks out of the class to get the IT Tutorial question paper for the class to avoid me being that nervous. <3 There's a good and bad effects for that. The Bad one is that he wasn't able to what I've been presenting as the title and the video clip was something from him. =P While the Good one, is that he need not to be teased when the lecturer asked me so had I found my One~ The whole class were Whoo-ing and said he was the someone. LOL! Everything went quite smoothly and for that it had been expected. xD

He dropped me home and went for gym after class. Seems like he was really tired after that as he fell asleep when he came to my house just now. Now he is busy Dota-ing and that is why I am able to blog now. <3<3<3 =D

~signing off~

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