Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It was hot and cold today. We attended no class and woke up late. All we did was to accompany him to the clinic for check-up and he went to get his hair cut. Nothing much to say other than the training attended just now. I was early today and that's because I was using the short-cut at the cemetery. As I knew the road well already. The training just now wasn't tough but somehow I sprained my back a little. Old sickness coming back. It's aching now. I am worrying about the friendly match with Dalat this coming Friday. From what I see, our percentage of losing is kinda high. But at least it gave the rest some preparations for the upcoming Inter-Campus Competition. Lake Ching. Vanessa and I was thinking hard how to get those people to understand what we were trying to do on the court. We ended up being the one with our head aching. It's not easy to make them really understand what they were supposed to do. We ended quite late today. Although it was drizzling, we continued due to the lack of time. I'm so sorry making Wonder worry bout me as I did not answer his call during meeting after the training.

I was rushing back home after that. Unable to meet up with the others at Khaleel for more info bout the competition jerseys. As my car was going to be out-of-fuel. At the mountain road, with my back aching, bad visibility of my eyes, I accidentally banged the pavement a bit on my left! Which was kind of dangerous. My tyre on the left somehow felt funny after that. Got no choice but to continue driving home as soon as possible. It was already raining by the time I was reaching home. Got my car parked and realized that the back door was locked! Damn~ I had to walk back using the night market road outside which made me soaked up a little.

Back Ache + Coldness + Soaking + Headache = Sickness~

Am shivering in cold right now. Just don't feel so well. Didn't know whether it was the backache that made me feel odd or I am unwell. Hope to be alright tomorrow.

~signing off~

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