Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Holiday Ends!

Same goes to my work in the Sim Tuition Centre! Okay, if in case you don't know, my experience there was not that right. Usually, it was the teacher bullying and torturing the students. Now, I totally know how it feels when the students are as mischievous as little monkeys do!

Why? That's because the first thing is I'm 80% illiterate in Chinese! That does caused a lot of havoc to me. Whenever the students are to form Chinese sentences using Chinese words, I'd use my phone to check on the wordings if they are correct or not. Worst still, I don't really know how to read them all! I have to go from teacher to teachers to ask around. Then there goes the students teasing! Arrghhh~

As expected, the students made fun of me. =.= Standard 1 students could really make you feel miserable enough. There's particularly a few of those mischievous ones, the noisy ones. How I wished they were as good as the only girl in my class. She's the angel among the others, wearing the halo on her head while the others wearing their devil's horn! I guess Kong wasn't facing as much as what I went through those 4 days at the other branch! I swear, I'll NEVER EVER be a teacher! Unless it's in a few condition:

1. No Chinese!
2. The student is as good as the girl in my class,
3. The subject's standard must not exceed Standard 3!

If the student meets the criteria above, the he or she qualifies to be MY student! xD

Anyway, I don't think they'll take me in anymore. Since I'm like illiterate in Chinese which majority of those students are from Chinese schools. I give up as well, even if they were to take me in again, I'd resign too! LOL!

Alright, yesterday, result was out! I'm glad that my CGPA did increase a lil'. To me as long as I don't degrade and keep on improving, then it's good. =) But still, it wasn't really as what I've been expecting. Surprisingly, I gotten a B+ for my Commercial Law which I thought I'd at least got an A! But it's alright because at least the least expected one like Basic Management Principle which I thought would gotten a B got an A instead! So, that's like practically replaced my disappointment. Better than nothing! =P

I think that's for all now. Here's a picture of me and Pau going over to La Mei Zhi with Ban Seng and the whole gang of basketballers last night! Long time since we did hang out like that. College starts next Monday and I rot no more! I'm now chasing after jobs and money. Looking for fairs and events. Their pay is indeed better. Life's mostly about that now. Although I don't really like that, but I still have to. =(

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