Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Recently, I had lots of outings with friends to get my time occupied.

First to mention, the important one is the outing with Pau, Walter, and Ash!
It has been long since the only 4 of us had our outing together, without having our boyfriends or whoever along.
We had our fun and the day was tiring.
Here's the picture of ours.

The Vogue model? *Hiao one* xD
Oily ones. =P
Black one? xD
At Aims!

Let's see our faces when we 4 last came out together, which was last year!
Compare! =DD

Loads of memories with them.

Not to forget, Seang Yee and I both went for some photo-snapping on Sunday.
The pictures turned out to be quite satisfying.
I shall let you guys have a look at it yourselves.
These are a few of my favorites! =D

Thanks Seang Yee for the shots!
There'll be more to come!

You see, days could be great with great friends around isn't it?
As long as there are no friends faking around you, you'd be happy for sure.

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