Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things not Done~

Things are still quite complicated now... Hardly have time to blog... Exams, Work, and Relationships are killing me! I'm just so tired... Thank God, I've got today to get myself relieved... Thanks to Ah Kiam, Pauline, Ashwin, and Hidea for this trip... =) Although it's just a visit to the Taiping Zoo and Gurney, it helps in everything... It ended up to be quite tiring... Still, I'm so afraid now... Its like whatever decisions I've made, Either someone's going to get hurt... I'm so uncertain about him... Now, I'm also afraid for myself... Which, I doubted his faithfulness... =(

I fell for HIM! At first I thought it was just a crush, which turned out to be not just a crush... Well, people who do not know the whole truth must be thinking that I left Hidea for Him just like that... There just another few reasons behind all these... But, I guess I shall not explain much... I knew myself well... But, it doesn't make me feel any better than a Jerk! Hidea is like a good guy I know... But what people do not know well bout him is that there's just so many stuffs undiscovered by them! Argh!!! I don't know how now... If only they know how am I feeling wouldn't that be like so much better??? I'd really don't know how to express my feelings to them! T.T

I'm really confused with everything now... All I know is that I screwed everthing up! =C

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