Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Guess I didn't make it after all, updating my blog often.
Also, the pictures I've promised, well, there's 4.
Simple and short where you can actually see it from my Facebook.
Still, better than none here.
It was all so boring and lifeless, which I'm not very fond of.

Cakes bought by Mummy at home.

Hand-baked cake from Pauline and Cupcakes leftovers from Kong. xD

Wee Wee's sincere handwritten papers.

And this one was my pressie from Kong. <3

Recently, I'm back into BOOKS.
Yes, books!
Those Fiction novels where you saw at bookstores, which was 400 pages thick.
I finished 3 of them in 3 days.
I started to love this writer, Kelley Armstrong.
Her piecework were indeed amazing.
These are the ones I've been reading these 3 days.

I bought those at a great deal though.
Along with these two.

During the largest book-fair in Straits Quay.
Saved a lot!
Or should I say I spent a lot? xP

Still, I gotta study and work now at the same time.
Exam's around the corner, AGAIN.
Oppss, this time I'm in another field of work.
Insurance agent.
Advertising myself now.
Look for me if you needed anything to do with it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Short update.

Fron today onwards, I would be using my mobile to update my posts over here. Which would be like easier since my mum would be using my lappie temporarily. Or else you won't see me updating my blog and start abandoning it again. I skipped loads of stuffs here since last month. For example, my birthday, which I would soon upload my photos including my mum's marriage. Whee~ Alright got to go now, having serious migraine recently. God bless me. Nights people.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's officially my birthday!
I'm 19!
I hear loads of fire crackers and fireworks out there.

But they all weren't for me.
It's Deepavali~

Keleng na kia...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Birthday Eve!

Spent my time home-alone today.
Accompanied by a kid and a dog.

This year, all I want is peace and harmony.
Not leaving Money behind also for sure.

Celebrated my birthday with my family last 10 minutes ago.
Kong was here after helping out his dad though.
How sweet of him.
It's all very simple this year.

Thanks to Wendy for being the first one to wish.
Though it's one hour early, still, that's very nice of her.
I believe my Facebook would be loaded with birthday wishes after 10 more minutes.
I'd be prepared. xD

Tomorrow, lunch-ing with Pau, Fafa, Siang and Yun Jie!

By the way, my Xperia Active is out!
Launched in Malaysia!
To be grabbed soon!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm Back!

Seemed like I took a break for real long this time.
One thing to post tonight is that I've been spending money like water this month!
Whether it's for something important or not, still I spent a whole load of those.
But at least, I managed to earn kao kao this month, that is why I could spend that way.
Or I'll be dead BROKE!

One good news, or was that supposed to be a bad news, Xperia Active launched in Malaysia!
RM980 for a AP.
Now you see why I say it might be a bad news to me.
I'm to spend again.

I bought my shoes' insoles today!
That's for my working path of course.
Where I have to stand for like basically a few days and long hours.
I only sat when I'm eating my lunch and dinner.
That particular few minutes did meant a lot to my legs.
So, I got myself these!
It really do seemed very useful to me and it's also not very cheap.
Rm50 / pair!
Still, I'm satisfied and trusted its usefulness.

Recently, went for another photoshoot with Seang Yee again.
This time, with her colleagues.
Too bad, my performance wasn't as good as the previous ones.
Shall upload a few of my favourites.

The photographers.
One lady missing (the one who took this photo).

That's all for tonight.
My birthday's upcoming.
Hopefully I won't be getting any unwanted surprises.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Recently, I had lots of outings with friends to get my time occupied.

First to mention, the important one is the outing with Pau, Walter, and Ash!
It has been long since the only 4 of us had our outing together, without having our boyfriends or whoever along.
We had our fun and the day was tiring.
Here's the picture of ours.

The Vogue model? *Hiao one* xD
Oily ones. =P
Black one? xD
At Aims!

Let's see our faces when we 4 last came out together, which was last year!
Compare! =DD

Loads of memories with them.

Not to forget, Seang Yee and I both went for some photo-snapping on Sunday.
The pictures turned out to be quite satisfying.
I shall let you guys have a look at it yourselves.
These are a few of my favorites! =D

Thanks Seang Yee for the shots!
There'll be more to come!

You see, days could be great with great friends around isn't it?
As long as there are no friends faking around you, you'd be happy for sure.

Friday, September 23, 2011

CSI Investigations.

How I wished the last people on Earth to know about my 'screwed-up' relationships are my PARENTS!
And yes, I BROKE UP!
Every single time I screw-up my relationship, they are sure to question me loads of ridiculous stuffs which I don't intend to give them any answer!
All I want now is to occupy my time, making myself busy and get rid of what's been on my mind.
I'll get over it.

I want Johnny English!
I need someone to watch with!
Of course, with people whom I'm comfortable with.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Holiday Ends!

Same goes to my work in the Sim Tuition Centre! Okay, if in case you don't know, my experience there was not that right. Usually, it was the teacher bullying and torturing the students. Now, I totally know how it feels when the students are as mischievous as little monkeys do!

Why? That's because the first thing is I'm 80% illiterate in Chinese! That does caused a lot of havoc to me. Whenever the students are to form Chinese sentences using Chinese words, I'd use my phone to check on the wordings if they are correct or not. Worst still, I don't really know how to read them all! I have to go from teacher to teachers to ask around. Then there goes the students teasing! Arrghhh~

As expected, the students made fun of me. =.= Standard 1 students could really make you feel miserable enough. There's particularly a few of those mischievous ones, the noisy ones. How I wished they were as good as the only girl in my class. She's the angel among the others, wearing the halo on her head while the others wearing their devil's horn! I guess Kong wasn't facing as much as what I went through those 4 days at the other branch! I swear, I'll NEVER EVER be a teacher! Unless it's in a few condition:

1. No Chinese!
2. The student is as good as the girl in my class,
3. The subject's standard must not exceed Standard 3!

If the student meets the criteria above, the he or she qualifies to be MY student! xD

Anyway, I don't think they'll take me in anymore. Since I'm like illiterate in Chinese which majority of those students are from Chinese schools. I give up as well, even if they were to take me in again, I'd resign too! LOL!

Alright, yesterday, result was out! I'm glad that my CGPA did increase a lil'. To me as long as I don't degrade and keep on improving, then it's good. =) But still, it wasn't really as what I've been expecting. Surprisingly, I gotten a B+ for my Commercial Law which I thought I'd at least got an A! But it's alright because at least the least expected one like Basic Management Principle which I thought would gotten a B got an A instead! So, that's like practically replaced my disappointment. Better than nothing! =P

I think that's for all now. Here's a picture of me and Pau going over to La Mei Zhi with Ban Seng and the whole gang of basketballers last night! Long time since we did hang out like that. College starts next Monday and I rot no more! I'm now chasing after jobs and money. Looking for fairs and events. Their pay is indeed better. Life's mostly about that now. Although I don't really like that, but I still have to. =(

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pay Day!

Alright, another part-time work done!
Friends are awesome and the pay is good. =D
Meet new people, new knowledge.
The 3 days Perfect Living Fair in PISA is great (other than standing for whole day).
Tiring legs and now I started to regret for not buying the shoe's insoles.
More fairs to go in future.

Long since the last time I drank.
Had fun last night, though something not that great happened.
Had a great sleeping anyhow.
And to realize I lost my bracelet this morning.
Not that good.
Had some quarrel and there it go again.
Glad everything's fine now.

Celebrated Seang Yee's birthday just now.
Went Gurney and there we go, paying money to get ourselves scared!
Darn the scenes.

There goes another day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

MDDB (Northen)'s 2nd Adoption Drive @ Juru, Auto-City!

As I have mentioned, today's post would about MDDB's Adoption Drive @ Juru, Auto-City!
I'll let the pictures do the talk! =D

The lovely two.
Innocent sister.
Let me introduce you the official members of MDDB's.

This is Fen Ying, the Vice-President.
Kok Han, the President. *Fen Ying's boyfriend. =)
Meet the other two.
Ellen, the Secretary of MDDB.
& Wendy, the official emcee of the event.

The two rescuer from KL.

Kong cuddling the spotty one.
While me, cuddling the active one.
There they go playing around.
The one with pink ribbon is a cheeky little girl.
This is the one! xD
Exhausted puppies.

Aren't they just adorable????
They just want love.
One pretty girl isn't she? =D
There goes the bully.
That's Wendy, passing the mic around to do the talks in different version : Mandarin! xD
Meet the fatty bulldog!
He's cute but HUGE!
*Slurring his saliva all over, and that includes my hand! xD
Another manja one.
This one went on the first day, which I wasn't there. =(
Pretty lil' baby waiting for her new mummy to get done with her work and bring her to her new home! =D
That's all for this round!
I bet there's more to come!
Pouring love all around.
Hope to see ya!