Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bailey's Return.

She's back!!!
So surprised to see her home few nights ago.
She followed my dad back home while he was giving her some pau to eat.
My mum's excited as well, but of course furious as well when it comes to her being afraid of the girl itself can bite others if she wasn't tied up.

She's much more obedient compared to last time.
No more chains!
Unlike last time.

She stays outside all the time as she knew she's not allowed to be in the house.
But we're afraid that she'll bark at strangers when they passes our house.
Quarreled with my mum yesterday about this matter.
If only anyone we know who have wide area at home would be kind enough to keep her with them.

Another thing to be mention is that I'm lucky enough to have my car being out of battery at Lao Kong's house instead of Tesco!
Went to his house after work and when it comes to the time I have to go back home, there it goes~
Car battery gone!

Went to market this morning to give Kong a surprise.
Mana tau he expected it aled eh.
Not nice one.
Nowadays all are busy with work and no time to be spent for each other.
Really wanna apologize to him for everything.

Meanwhile, work is kind of fun at my new working place.
Really got to memorize the titles and placing harder. Too many of them.
Will learn better soon fast enough.
It's only the third day of work and gotten disturb there.
29 customer!

That's all for now.

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