Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers' Day!

Well, well. It's Fathers' Day tomorrow.
I hereby wishes all the Daddies, including mine, Happy Father's Day!

By the way, my Mom just came rushing in my room doorway punching her own chest.
She got the 4 digits without buying them!
The Bonia Voucher she planned to use tomorrow for my Dad's Birthday as well as Fathers' Day has the serial number thingy, which she planned to buy the digits for tomorrow.
The least thing she had expected was that it came out to be today's 3rd prize!
RM700.00++ she said.
The next thing I know was that she started blaming me for always shutting our doors with loud "THUD's".
Causing her digits to run away.
She's doing that all the time.
Followed by nagging after that.
Well, I admit if I were her, maybe I'll be sad too but of course these kind of stuffs just couldn't be helped!

Heard this saying before?
"If it's yours, then it's yours. If it ain't yours, no matter how hard you try, it still ain't yours."
I've been saying this phrase for like how many times, espeacially to people like my grandma and my Mom!

Anyway, would be off for dinner with my whole family again tomorrow!
Shall blog bout it!

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