Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I've got JOB! - Again~

Here am I after taking breaks for two days. Sunday was Father's Day like I had mentioned on the previous post. Bought my Dad a pair of shoes from Bonia and our whole family dined together at night with my aunts and uncles for my Grandpa's. The food, was bad. Just a normal coffee shop with those "chu-char". Aha! Just remember I still owe my Mom money for the present of my Dad's. For Fathers' Day as well as his birthday. Well, at least I bought a cake yesterday on the real day itself! Well, it was a surprise for him. xD

Talking about yesterday, that made me mad enough. Had been a real bad bad day for me. Tormenting myself mentally from some conflicts. Damn~I hated that!

Today, at least I've got a GOOOOD news for myself! That job lady called at last! I am to work on these coming Saturday and Sunday! Also a bad news. Which means Mot's birthday, which we are actually to party at the beach and get tanned sunbathing. LOL! I don't know this is for good or bad actually. Saving myself from being a dark-assed lady and get my job done with paid salary but eventually landing an aeroplane on my friend for goodness-sake!

Well, I'm doing it!

The aeroplane goes landing! SORRY Mot!

I'm in need of $$$!!! =P

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