Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Low Batt!

My my... It was darn tiring today. Red Box with those bunch of guys and I bet they did really screamed out loud. I will be visiting there again with my bunch of basketball players. Woohoo! The reasons why am I that tired was majorly because of the basketball training just now. Only did I know that I am lack of sleep and food. I been missing dinner for days I assumed. Good, yet bad. =P

It is such an eventful semester for the start of my second year in college. Time really do passed by within a blink of eyes don't you think? So enjoy while it last! Will be off to Mois next Wednesday! Finals for the sexy dance. Surely it must be interesting and crowded huh? I were to find out! =D For this Saturday? Times Square for the Youth Jam event. Iron Man would be having his Arm Wrestling Competition over there. Wish him luck. For those who would be there, shall see you soon then. Time for me to get a rest. Sayonara.

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