Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunburn Again!

Yeah, you got me. I got my skin tanned again! Surprisingly, this time Kong started to take in the sunlight and got tanned as well. This time, it was Pantai Kerachut, the family venue of the day. We started off in the morning with sunshine as we hike till we came to the half-way of the route, it started to drizzle. The route wasn't meant for kids by the way, but yeah, we were burdened by one. My mum's god-daughter! We were done hiking in one and half hour's time in the heavily-rained condition! The sky started to brightened up not long after we reached our destination. The beach was kind of clean. We then leave Pantai Kerahut with a boat to Monkey Beach. Eventually, we set up our tent to prevent the monkeys on the beach stealing our stuffs away. We spent the hours digging shells in the water. When the time's up, we went our way home back to the jetty by boat again. Whoa~ The day was darn exhausted! My flu ended up being worsen then before. Great!

Today, it was Kong's daddy's birthday! We went to Stone Bay just now for dinner. The kids were having fun with their karaoke-ing session while I sat and watched. Oh yeah, that game-freak was just darn busy with his iPhone's games. Even though his phone was with me, eventually, he could still sat over to the other side gaming with his sis-in-law's! What now??? Smile! Alright, I sounded like the Donald Duck of the day! And now I'm wondering how am I to sing tomorrow evening with Ham and the others? I ain't going to pay there and just sit by the side. Nah~

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