Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, May 30, 2011


It was the class gathering by the beach last night. Guess everyone's bloated with food. Geez~ Like what we expected, the girls were with the girls, while the guys were with the guys. Alright, I was excluded. I really wondered was it that hard to blend in with the guys? I mean, since we were all classmates, shouldn't we just blend in together instead of secluding ourselves with our own group. Especially when it came to an event, they should blend in more. Hmmm...

The night turned out a little spooky when some of us started losing our stuffs. first, MC lost his spectacles by the beach, Next, I lost one side of my earring when I was playing with Kong. Damn~ It was something special. The, Haw Zhi's lost his 5kg water container. All of us were looking out for stuffs. Treasure-hunt huh? xD

Jas and Steven turned up by the time we were starting to pack. Talking about that. Being the organizer of the event for our class, I hated to admit it, but you know what? It sucks! Here, if you call the organizer, manager, I call it the "MANY-ger". Bao thao bao bui. Bao ka liao! Niama. Most of them just come and go. Diu!

Hate to say it, but I would prefer to go somewhere like RedBox instead of BBQ-ing for our class event. Which is this coming Thursday! Cheaper, and less work. All you do is SING! Whee~ I'm so into singing now. But you know. as usual, I ain't have that much resources. All I can is work! Oh ya, my clothes still on my waiting list. =D

I Want To Pamper Myself!
$$$ Where Are You???

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Guys = Problems!

Was it a big problem for expecting someone to have higher expectations in themselves???
I just don't get it.
It's not like my problem if they don't get to do what they want in future just because they did not try hard enough.
As a guy, they should be more aggressive isn't it?
You should be reminded that you won't be under anyone's protection anymore in future.
Time to face the fact!
Was it that hard???
I seriously DON"T GET IT!

Well, I'm exhausted now.
There was a 3 on 3 today at Auto-City.
For the first time, a 3 on 3 event at the night time.
Hmmm, it would be perfect if the weather in the evening wasn't that damn hot!
Everything went well.
I guess that I really drank lots of water today.
In order to prevent myself to get "heaty", which will cause me lots of problems.
The Big Family had fun together today anyway.
Don't mention the last part before I came home.
I always look forward to changes.
The most important thing is that I WON'T hesitate to do so!
Some changes may do everyone good.
We just have to take it anyway.
Even if you DON'T LIKE IT!

Friday, May 27, 2011

7th time bitten on the very same spot?
Not a pleasure!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I missed you.
The you who used to be you.
Was it you or me the one who changed you?
When I heard the door screeching, I'd thought it would be you who was the one standing at the entrance.
I shouldn't hope that much.
I wished you were right here now giving me a hug telling me "It's okay."
Too bad it doesn't seemed to be.
Arguments seemed to be pulling both of us away, making distance between us more visible.
When I looked back at your posts about last time, I guess I really do miss the feelings.
Where was it now?

"Yesterday u asked me why i so stupid, i din answer you.. If you ask me again why i so stupid.. i will tell you because i love you."




Where is the belonging once you made me felt before?
Am I the one who don't feel it, or did you just stop giving?

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Two Birthdays!

One was my Big-Boss-Granny and the other one was Chao Ratatouile's.
First, my day went like this.
The morning was occupied with MUFFINS!
It was for my Grandma.
Turned out not bad, forget bout the "crunchy" part.
Alright, then we went to QB for dinner at Tsurukame Shabu Shabu.
The ingredients for the steamboat was not bad.
Should find another chance to feast with friends again some other time when I'm occupied with $$$!!!

While the night was still young, time to take turns for the birthday bossies.
We headed to Kong's old house to gather with the others.
Silly games played, pizzas with wasabi and chilli flakes made each of us a real hottie.
Too bad, Lee's night was ruined by Leonard's bumpy ride with his car.
Irresponsible fella.
Indirectly, we went back home late as well.
Reached home at 5 am in the morning.

22th May 2010, Sunday.
Movie at TGV's with Ratatouile & Jas.
Kong bought me the Kung Fu Panda Combo for the movie.
It was actually the combination of drinks at the bottom & the popcorn set on the top.
Alright, one more thing, I had a feeling that I just need to shop so badly!
Whenever I walked past some shops, GOSH~
I felt the urge to buy.
Gotta be back to work again!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Money, Money, Money,

Now this is crazy.
From the last previous post, I've been telling how much we were into baking.
Now, we have a lot to bake!

1st, is my Grandma's big day this coming Saturday.
2nd, Ah Ong's birthday on the Sunday but celebrating at the same day as my Grandma's.
Lots to do.

By the way, this semester could have drained me by the end of it.
Commercial Law and Japanese's the one giving me difficulties.
Doesn't seem good.

Plus, life's a mess without $$$!
Call me money-face or what-so-ever like Kong did.
But, it's just the hard, plain, and ugly truth that everyone else knows.
Well, so real.

"Money is NOT everything, but without Money, you are NOTHING!"
by The Book of Universal's Philosophy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Lappie!

Now at last!
I've got my very own laptop.
It was newly bought yesterday after rushing here and there after cancelling a few events like movies and phone line thingy.
It was all a mess!

Today had some quarreling with Kong.
However, it turn out alright as we gave time for ourselves to get a bit relaxed.
It was a rainy day after all.
Since the morning.

We're visiting to Pau's house recently.
Baking and gaming.
Especially the guys.

My WiFi at home was done at last after Lao Kong strained his mind figuring out what to do just an hour ago.
So that I'm now having a good flow of my internet connection.
I'm all happy now.
I can run anywhere at home with my lappie beside me not being worried about the connection!
Thank You so muchie~


Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Into Baking!

It seemed like I'm all crazy about baking my own cake recently.
It was all Walter's fault!
I'd blame him for his Big day! xD
Went to his house unexpected for his Surprise.
It was a Chocolate Cake with Frosting!
Kinda successful for such inexperience bakers!
Alright, to tell you the truth, we were actually planning to bake two cakes.
But it turned out to be only one as Kiam's failed.
Burnt Banana Cake!
Still, by making use of it, we actually made that burnt slices as DECO!
The carvings and everything just looked FANTABULOUS!
All with our pure heart for our little brother.

Not forgetting Duck's Birthday night too!
Had a blast with those crazy people.
Fun show from that Lee and Jay Ying!
I'd wondered if they had a chance?
It was so real after all.
Had all fun that night!

Mothers' Day just passed by.
Of course, everyone were wishing their Mums with hugs and kisses.
Okay, I don't do such stuffs, but still, there's something for my Mum.
Got her cute little dinner bag from 1st Avenue.
I could saw that she loved it though she kept asking if it's really needed.
She's all happy now.
Next, would be Father's Day!
Wondering what should I get for my Dad then?

Today, it's the first day of the new semester!
The only subject that made us high and down was Japanese Language.
We were excited, but it was also indeed hard to learn!
Guess I'd gotta try harder this semester for good results again.
