Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Two Birthdays!

One was my Big-Boss-Granny and the other one was Chao Ratatouile's.
First, my day went like this.
The morning was occupied with MUFFINS!
It was for my Grandma.
Turned out not bad, forget bout the "crunchy" part.
Alright, then we went to QB for dinner at Tsurukame Shabu Shabu.
The ingredients for the steamboat was not bad.
Should find another chance to feast with friends again some other time when I'm occupied with $$$!!!

While the night was still young, time to take turns for the birthday bossies.
We headed to Kong's old house to gather with the others.
Silly games played, pizzas with wasabi and chilli flakes made each of us a real hottie.
Too bad, Lee's night was ruined by Leonard's bumpy ride with his car.
Irresponsible fella.
Indirectly, we went back home late as well.
Reached home at 5 am in the morning.

22th May 2010, Sunday.
Movie at TGV's with Ratatouile & Jas.
Kong bought me the Kung Fu Panda Combo for the movie.
It was actually the combination of drinks at the bottom & the popcorn set on the top.
Alright, one more thing, I had a feeling that I just need to shop so badly!
Whenever I walked past some shops, GOSH~
I felt the urge to buy.
Gotta be back to work again!

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