Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, May 30, 2011


It was the class gathering by the beach last night. Guess everyone's bloated with food. Geez~ Like what we expected, the girls were with the girls, while the guys were with the guys. Alright, I was excluded. I really wondered was it that hard to blend in with the guys? I mean, since we were all classmates, shouldn't we just blend in together instead of secluding ourselves with our own group. Especially when it came to an event, they should blend in more. Hmmm...

The night turned out a little spooky when some of us started losing our stuffs. first, MC lost his spectacles by the beach, Next, I lost one side of my earring when I was playing with Kong. Damn~ It was something special. The, Haw Zhi's lost his 5kg water container. All of us were looking out for stuffs. Treasure-hunt huh? xD

Jas and Steven turned up by the time we were starting to pack. Talking about that. Being the organizer of the event for our class, I hated to admit it, but you know what? It sucks! Here, if you call the organizer, manager, I call it the "MANY-ger". Bao thao bao bui. Bao ka liao! Niama. Most of them just come and go. Diu!

Hate to say it, but I would prefer to go somewhere like RedBox instead of BBQ-ing for our class event. Which is this coming Thursday! Cheaper, and less work. All you do is SING! Whee~ I'm so into singing now. But you know. as usual, I ain't have that much resources. All I can is work! Oh ya, my clothes still on my waiting list. =D

I Want To Pamper Myself!
$$$ Where Are You???

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