Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Went market this morning with him... Things were okay at 1st till I got moody... I guess I really started everything again... I guess... I don't know... Haiz... I found out that his grandma says I'm filled up with too much jealousy... Ain't it normal to be jealous??? It makes me think like I'm annoying him... I hated that feeling...
Its holidays now... Can't wait for SPM to finish then I can go Genting with Pauline they all and him... Pau say she wana drive but I think mostly won't la... LOL... Far too dangerous than any roads in Penang... I don't wana fall into any of the pits!!! Don't kill me Pau... xD
He downloaded o2 mania for me in his laptop!!! I appreciated that... I started to regret for scolding him something about not loving me anymore... I just scream out anything when I'm angry... I can't help it... Who call him keep on scolding me back something worst... Even my mum scolded me for bugging him... Its not FAIR!!!
Had conversations with Doreen they all last night... Siao kias... I'm so lost in the convo... LOL... Its quite fun talking like that after so long... Too bad everyone started to get busy with their stuff and left few of us talking only... And I've got a new sentence!!!
Bangau-bangau sekalian bangun-bangun...
And speaking bout new learnt sentence, I'd got this from Ah Tong... This is for when you've got nothing to say when shooting people... Then you wish to make them nothing to say, say this...
Saya tak ada kata-kata nak kata...
In another languague is...
I've got no frog to frog...
Ho liao le??? xD At least now I've got something to make me smile back...
~signing off~

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Night market...

Went night market alone just now... So lonely... And so surprised to saw his bike downstairs... Called him to ask lo... Mana tau kena scolded pulak... Aikzz... His temper rising nowadays... Tomorrow gotta wake up early to go market with mummy and him... LOL... Suddenly mummy date us go market...

This Sunday gonna go QB with Elaine and Amy... Go skating... They gonna "chia" me... I've got income for this month... Official tables in Esplanade... Song Boon Cup... But used it to pay for tuition fee for next month... So no need to struggle to find money... Trials were done... Left Moral paper after the holidays... Pray harder for better results... Wana apply scholarship... Don't know can get or not... LOL...

Now its raining... Just finish playing o2 mania... so nice recalling how the songs goes... Ahh... Memories~~~ Can't wait for the sea salt that I bought from my sis eh friend... I wana go fairer!!! If you've read my previous post I guess you would know why... =P

Btw... Anyone wana buy contact lense or sea salt???

Contact lense : RM45 a year, Geo lense, made in Korea...

Sea salt : RM 5 per packet, RM15 for 4 packets... got apple, lemon, lavender, milk, & rose flavour... * Its aromatic seasalt for bath...*

Contact me in either msn or sms if interested!!! xD

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lao Kong's Birthday!!!

Today is his birthday... its 2.34am now... just gave him a big big hug and kiss... hehehe... now he's sleeping soundly snoring away again... =D Kinda fun today... Went to QB with him and his sister...Had fun at the children's arcade... He played the bear bear machine... He managed to get 3 bears from the machine man!!! Somemore 1st one is holding a birthday cake wan... So chun... LOL... Whole day run here and there... 1st: Tesco, 2nd: his mum's house, 3rd: QB, 4th: night market... Really love him loads...

Cute right??? xD

Had another sunburn again... xD This time is swimming eh si liao... Went swimming with Elaine and Amy before tuition yesterday... Took damn lotz of pictures... Hahahahha... When we vaining time got a guy keep looking and smile at us... Somemore he looked so "chi ko"... Eeee~~~ Tooked at least 30 something pictures... And then only I realized all my pictures accumulated till 600 something d... LOL... My 8gb memory oso can lagg... No wonder...

These are just a few of our shots... Damn lot more... xD

Had Maths paper today... Surprisingly I can do much better in subjective than objective... Objective I opened machine gun... Hahahhahahah... Piao piao piao piao~~~ What to do??? Didn't study... =P This coming Monday lagi teruk!!! Add-Maths!!! @.@ Straight die...

By the way, I've learnt a new meaning from an ordinary word... Its from the Star newspaper on Thursday... It says "pink elephant"!!! Min Sze I know if you read this you sure laugh wan... We both what it means other than the one I will be telling here... The meaning of pink elephant here means hallucinations...

P.S: Min Sze, its not HIM!!! xD

~signing off~

Monday, August 10, 2009


Its exam day today... B.M. paper... My Gawd!!! I crapped shit man... I think my forecast result's gonna be crap... T.T Sejarah paper tomorrow... Worst still... Haiz...

Now my face is burning like hell... Its blazing red!!! LOL... And1 3-on-3 yesterday... It was hot and cold in a day... There were rain, there were hot blarring sun... It kills us all... Thank God there was two big umbrella or we'll be roasted and soaking wet at the same time... Hahaha... Grace is now having two different colours at both her thighs... xD As for me? Only my face is as red as the babboon's butt...

Yun Siang brought her girlfriend there yesterday... Let me this "mak mertua" see... I even took her pictures myself for Pau... Those Max and Yun Siang they all tak boleh guna mia... Call them take also so hard... LOL... Rely on myself better... I'm such a professional photographer... Even Max said that... xD Because chun chun take tiuk her front view... Hahaha...

This is Yun Siang's Gf... My "daughter-in-law"...Sui bo? I gao take people's picture secara senyap senyap le??? xD

After the 3-on-3, went to Prangin find Hidea... Ah Neng dropped me there... Abit scary sitting his bike... Can suddenly "chuan yiu" wan... Fulamak~~~

Reached Prangin looking like a babboon's ass... Only my face was red... Others very "blackly" tanned up... I went to where i worked last time... My ex-supervisor said I looked like people from overseas... Woisheh~~~ While at the other side, Hidea's friend, who don't know I'm his girlfriend, said this to Hidea...

"Ha le Jipuna poh chio lo..." (that Japanese girl's stunning)

Wakakakakkakakaka~~~ Laugh till my ass off... Kembang man... How I wish I looked like one... which i don't think I do if its not because of my babboon face... Hahahahhahahaha...

While waiting for him to finish work, I went up to Popular... Standing there reading True Singaporean Ghost Stories for 2 hours... Amazing huh??? I don't know how I can tahan standing, reading, aching my back... Some more worked whole day for 3-on-3 d... Fuhh~~ Time passes fast... He called me to go down before I even read finish my 2nd TSGS book... xD

Right after he finished work, we went to his friend's buffet... Its her engagement day... Awww... Go there sit sit and talk talk awhile with Kenny... Another person who said that I don't look like someone who is having SPM this year... Nevermind~~~ I know I looked old... LOL...

Went to KFC again after that... xD Hidea's having KFC fever this recently... I don't know whether its because of the WiFi there or what... But he'd got a Broadband... So... Tak tau la... Hahahaha...

Now... Waiting for him to finish work again... *My face is still burning and sizzling hot...* xD

~signing off~

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Had been few days since I'd been updating my blog... Its Friday again and its my lucky day... =D Every Friday night and Saturday night he'll be staying at my house... This week kind of not bad... His meeting on Wednesday night had been canceled for dis week... So, I'm quite happy other than about some arguement...

Does it sound stupid forbidding someone talking to their ex? Fine... Maybe its stupid... But I did do that... And now when i think back, I realized that's childish and immature... I think since he can trust me and let me do so, maybe I should try giving him a chance to prove himself are trust-able... I've learnt a new lesson at least... I hope wanting to know what they talk about is not too much... And I added his ex in my MSN again!!! Still a bit afraid though... =C Probably I'll get used to this after some time... Trust!!!

His birthday is just next Saturday!!! Should I give him a present or just give him a big hug and big big kiss??? LOL... Still broke though... Struggling really hard to pay for tuition fees now... He knew all that problem too as he's just facing the same problem as mine... Hehe... Perhaps gonna treat him a feast? Since it makes us both full and satisfied... xD

And1 3 on 3 this coming Sunday... At least there are some $$ source for me... Really Damn "dry" liao... How I wish I've got a money machine beside me... No worries!!! xD Stupid imigination of mine...

Its 3am now... I'm wishing time passes slower during weekends (if only it really happens)... Its a satisfactory being beside him... Even listening to his snores!!! (that's what he's doing now) =D Love is really great I guess... Haha... But still gotta concentrate harder for my SPM... Hopefully my forecast result will be quite good la... I felt like going for January intake... I've made my mind... Diploma in TARC, Degree in SeGi College... *hopefully I won't be changing my mind again...* But I think no more better options already la... LOL...

I can't wait for Sunday to earm $$$ and yet, I don't want Saturday pass so fast... LOL... Memang nothing can satisfy us human beings...

That's for today...
~signing off~

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today whole day don't get to rest at all... Damn headache in school... Haiz... Just now tuition the lesson damn the memeningkan... LOL... Kelab dan Persatuan... Hardest chapter in Form 5 Accounts subject... Fuhh..... Now waiting for him to finish work... 30 minutes countdown...

Yesterday night both of us acting damn stupid at KFC... Try the WiFi there but cant connect... 2 fat-ass sitting there for half an hour figuring out what happened to the laptop... End up gotta call his friend for help... While doing, sitting there vaining... =D

I Miss Him!!! 19 minutes more to countdown... Haiz... Very headache this few days... Don't know why... Trial is just next week but still did not finish syllables... Die la...

Today in school this Tweety Bird keep urging me do this do that... Everything oso do do do... Worst of all is she can't stop mumbling and repeating the same sentence over and over AGAIN!!! I'm so going to explode soon...

13 minutes more... I'm getting more and more impatient... He'll be having meeting tomorrow again... Every single Wednesday... T.T I guess I'm being really selfish... I don't want him to have meeting at night... Haiz... Gonna get a rest and wait for him now...

~signing off~

Monday, August 3, 2009

Care Bears. xD

Slept whole day today... Weeee... Its 12.35 a.m now and I'm still so AWAKE!!!

Don't know what joke my sister said to my mum...
My mum say my dad "chao sui and can't use liao" then my sis call my dad to prove to my mum tonight, only i know what the hell they are talking bout... Dirty jokes~~~ xD

Ahhh...... Seems like my blog here is quite a success huh? Quite alot of compliment... =D The 1st one to read was Melissa!!! Followed by C.Hang and Billy... And then, Hideaki, Min Sze and Beerow... All of them said its a nice blog... KEMBANG liao!!! Hahahahha... Now only I know quite nice having a blog though its quite lazy writing one... But at least, its a satisfaction expressing everything out... Like what Melissa said...

well, if i'm not wrong...u're the kind of person who can't bear to keep it all in yourself wan lar"

Its the fact... Or I'd DIE of depression and go Crazy!!! Hahahahahha.....

Video called with Him just now... Very satisfied... Hahaha... Can see him and talk to him... But too bad... He can't see me... Can hear my voice only... LOL...

I'm still wondering who had I missed out tagging them in the Care Bears picture... Haha... I <3 the picture... I missed all those time he put up those cute cute backgrounds and care bear display picture in Msn... Awww..... Nearly 3 years passed by within a blink of an eye... Time flies so fast... Its just like yesterday I'm still in Form 1 knowing nothing... But now... I'm not that INNOCENT anymore... xD

Schooling tomorrow... Haiz... Pau's not going... Gotta spend my recess time with the Basketball Court again... LOL...
~signing off~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Laptop, New Month, New Day, New Start

He bought a new laptop... Ahhh... Its an advantage for me... I don't need to snatch computer with my sis anymore!!! Get to lie on bed while online... Si pek eng... xD

Still wondering which college to go... I'm considerating SeGi College... Can stay at Penang for Degree... I need opinions!!!

I'm BROKE now... Haiz... Need $$$ badly... Anyone got "khang thau" kai siao me???

It rained whole day today... Got him late to work... I can say that I'm happy bout it... LOL... And we manage to settle our fight... =D That's an IMPROVEMENT right? Hehehe.... Had not been sleeping well recently... Too many things happened...

As for tonight, I wana stay up with him longer... So, sleep late... Hahaha... And now he's sleeping just right beside me... Loud snores he had got... Must be very tiring for him... Working hard and struggle all way long while trying to care for me... Its really hard for him to get a good rest... Love him loads...

Gonna continue soon...
~signing off~