Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Its exam day today... B.M. paper... My Gawd!!! I crapped shit man... I think my forecast result's gonna be crap... T.T Sejarah paper tomorrow... Worst still... Haiz...

Now my face is burning like hell... Its blazing red!!! LOL... And1 3-on-3 yesterday... It was hot and cold in a day... There were rain, there were hot blarring sun... It kills us all... Thank God there was two big umbrella or we'll be roasted and soaking wet at the same time... Hahaha... Grace is now having two different colours at both her thighs... xD As for me? Only my face is as red as the babboon's butt...

Yun Siang brought her girlfriend there yesterday... Let me this "mak mertua" see... I even took her pictures myself for Pau... Those Max and Yun Siang they all tak boleh guna mia... Call them take also so hard... LOL... Rely on myself better... I'm such a professional photographer... Even Max said that... xD Because chun chun take tiuk her front view... Hahaha...

This is Yun Siang's Gf... My "daughter-in-law"...Sui bo? I gao take people's picture secara senyap senyap le??? xD

After the 3-on-3, went to Prangin find Hidea... Ah Neng dropped me there... Abit scary sitting his bike... Can suddenly "chuan yiu" wan... Fulamak~~~

Reached Prangin looking like a babboon's ass... Only my face was red... Others very "blackly" tanned up... I went to where i worked last time... My ex-supervisor said I looked like people from overseas... Woisheh~~~ While at the other side, Hidea's friend, who don't know I'm his girlfriend, said this to Hidea...

"Ha le Jipuna poh chio lo..." (that Japanese girl's stunning)

Wakakakakkakakaka~~~ Laugh till my ass off... Kembang man... How I wish I looked like one... which i don't think I do if its not because of my babboon face... Hahahahhahahaha...

While waiting for him to finish work, I went up to Popular... Standing there reading True Singaporean Ghost Stories for 2 hours... Amazing huh??? I don't know how I can tahan standing, reading, aching my back... Some more worked whole day for 3-on-3 d... Fuhh~~ Time passes fast... He called me to go down before I even read finish my 2nd TSGS book... xD

Right after he finished work, we went to his friend's buffet... Its her engagement day... Awww... Go there sit sit and talk talk awhile with Kenny... Another person who said that I don't look like someone who is having SPM this year... Nevermind~~~ I know I looked old... LOL...

Went to KFC again after that... xD Hidea's having KFC fever this recently... I don't know whether its because of the WiFi there or what... But he'd got a Broadband... So... Tak tau la... Hahahaha...

Now... Waiting for him to finish work again... *My face is still burning and sizzling hot...* xD

~signing off~

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