Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Care Bears. xD

Slept whole day today... Weeee... Its 12.35 a.m now and I'm still so AWAKE!!!

Don't know what joke my sister said to my mum...
My mum say my dad "chao sui and can't use liao" then my sis call my dad to prove to my mum tonight, only i know what the hell they are talking bout... Dirty jokes~~~ xD

Ahhh...... Seems like my blog here is quite a success huh? Quite alot of compliment... =D The 1st one to read was Melissa!!! Followed by C.Hang and Billy... And then, Hideaki, Min Sze and Beerow... All of them said its a nice blog... KEMBANG liao!!! Hahahahha... Now only I know quite nice having a blog though its quite lazy writing one... But at least, its a satisfaction expressing everything out... Like what Melissa said...

well, if i'm not wrong...u're the kind of person who can't bear to keep it all in yourself wan lar"

Its the fact... Or I'd DIE of depression and go Crazy!!! Hahahahahha.....

Video called with Him just now... Very satisfied... Hahaha... Can see him and talk to him... But too bad... He can't see me... Can hear my voice only... LOL...

I'm still wondering who had I missed out tagging them in the Care Bears picture... Haha... I <3 the picture... I missed all those time he put up those cute cute backgrounds and care bear display picture in Msn... Awww..... Nearly 3 years passed by within a blink of an eye... Time flies so fast... Its just like yesterday I'm still in Form 1 knowing nothing... But now... I'm not that INNOCENT anymore... xD

Schooling tomorrow... Haiz... Pau's not going... Gotta spend my recess time with the Basketball Court again... LOL...
~signing off~

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